
  1. JohnLRice

    Gert Jalass (Moon Modular) verstorben
  2. JohnLRice

    Musik Modularmusik-Kanal

    Sequencer pattern semi randomization experiment with synthetic violin noodling:
  3. JohnLRice

    Musik Modularmusik-Kanal

    Thanks! 😎 This setup is one I custom made consisting of two Box11 cases attached together with hinges. They sell a similar system like this already made but I like to tinker. ;-)Here's my ModularGrid page for the system so you can see what modules I have in it...
  4. JohnLRice

    The Matrix Algorithmic Composer - a new module from Synthetic Sound Labs

    Hi! I finished a long demo video today for SSL's new 5U/MU module The Matrix. It is inspired by the Triadex Muse which was designed in 1969 by Marvin Minsky and Edward Fredkin, both professors at MIT university in Cambridge, Massachusetts USA. It was one of the first ever digital sequencers...
  5. JohnLRice

    Sequencer 192 demo from Soundtronics new M2Synth line Kits for this and other M2Synth modules will be available soon in MOTM and MU compatible formats from and prebuilt modules as well as cases and power supplies will be available from https://www.
  6. JohnLRice

    Happy New Year 2023!

    I hope everyone has a great 2023! (don't worry, there is a little bit of synth in this! ;-)
  7. JohnLRice

    Mutable Instruments Clone?

    For people looking for 5U clones of Plaits, you are in luck! Martin Jan Koehler in Austria makes MU AND MOTM versions, both as preassembled and also as through-hole kits !!! Note that the kit's are through hole with the exception that it comes with a preassembled daughter board with all of the...
  8. JohnLRice

    Musik Modularmusik-Kanal

    A quick clip of a modular sequencer playing a Roland Integra 7. All modules are are normalized / connected behind the panels, that why you don't see a lot of patch cords! Also I customized some modules to have additional switches that connect / disconnect gate and clock signals...
  9. JohnLRice

    5U Modular 2019

    Some good news for people with MU systems (Moog Unit sized systems like and Moon etc) ) in or near Germany: I've heard from a reliable source that Marienberg modules will soon be available with actual MU sized panels as an option. For those that...
  10. JohnLRice

    5U Modular 2019

  11. JohnLRice

    Moon Modular 530 VC Stereo Digital Delay ;-)
  12. JohnLRice

    SSL 1650 Mini Sequencer Demo

  13. JohnLRice

    SSL 1650 Mini Sequencer Demo

  14. JohnLRice

    SSL 1650 Mini Sequencer Demo

  15. JohnLRice

    SSL 1650 Mini Sequencer Demo Merry Christmas / happy holidays to you all! : Pig care:
  16. JohnLRice

    Welches Modul wandelt ein Dreieck in einen Sinus um ?

    VC LPF is what I would use, as others have mentioned. Use a filter that has good 1v/oct tracking so you can maintain the wave shape as the melody goes up and down in pitch. You might also need to invert this control voltage? Experiment with band pass and notch filters as well?
  17. JohnLRice

    Musik Modularmusik-Kanal
  18. JohnLRice

    Several Recent 5U Module Demos I MAde

    Exploring The Cursus Iteritas Magnus Exploring The Dove Audio WTF Oscillator Exploring The 3340 VCO And 2144 LPF Exploring The Basimilus Iteritas Magnus (plus Manis)...
  19. JohnLRice

    Muffwiggler? Mike McGrath †

    I'm not quite sure what is going on but SynthCube did help out in a big way a couple months ago and now they are going to do so again, but I'm not sure why things got behind again? It would be nice if things could get stabilized and hopefully the forum software updated but it may take a very...
  20. JohnLRice

    Muffwiggler? Mike McGrath †

    Apparently it's a funding issue but is being taken care of. See View:
  21. JohnLRice

    5U Modular 2019

  22. JohnLRice

    5U Modular 2019

    I bought the Marienberg Sine Phase VCO last year and modified it into one of my DotCom rack frames and made a power adapter. If I wanted to get more than one or two Marienberg modules I would probably just get one of their Marienberg cases with their power supply. I widened the mounting holes...
  23. JohnLRice

    Muffwiggler? Mike McGrath †
  24. JohnLRice

    Synthetic Sound Labs 'Radio Music' module demo

    [MEDIA = youtube] jqE6kiEOAUw [/ MEDIA]
  25. JohnLRice

    Pics Modular Systeme / Gearporn

    Hello everyone, Here is a recent picture of all my 5U in one place at the same time.
  26. JohnLRice

    Muffwiggler? Mike McGrath †

    : Banana:: Iron:: Self hammer: I need to go to bed so maybe Muff's will be Ok when I wake up? Tralala: I was listening to some of my old YouTube videos, here's a little piece I did over 3 years ago: [MEDIA = youtube] 2 PM6IJC-XR4 [/ MEDIA]
  27. JohnLRice

    Muffwiggler? Mike McGrath †

  28. JohnLRice

    5 HE Netzteilfrage

    Corsynth (in Spain) has a power solution:
  29. JohnLRice

    Musik Modularmusik-Kanal

    I enjoyed that!
  30. JohnLRice

    Anfängerfrage Modular-Sequencer

    Haha, I saw just one response and then an advertisement and didn't scroll further so I thought there were no more responses and took the time to make the diagram below. : Achso: I'll post it here anyway just in case someone finds it useful. : Tralala:
  31. JohnLRice

    Schwarze Euro Blindplatten

    It may be possible to just flip a printed eurorack panel backwards so that the printing doesn't show?
  32. JohnLRice

    5MU rotary sequencer

    Yes! :)I put mine into a DotCom QCP22 case along with some Mos-Lab and other modules. It's only difficult if you want to have the MIDI and USB connections, in which you have to go out of the way. I have the PCB to the same plate. The desktop case the R24 comes in is really nice though. I...
  33. Modular_power_connectors_JLR_052617


    This is a chart showing information about various 5U modular synth power connections. It was started by SonicWarrior (as far as I know) and I've made several updates. This is the most recent version I have.
  34. JohnLRice

    Muffwiggler? Mike McGrath †

    Hi Leverkusen ! :Banana: I saw a post on Twitter where someone said that they saw a post on the Muff Wiggler Facebook group that the site should be back up in a few days. I'm not on Facebook anymore so I can't verify this or find out more.
  35. JohnLRice

    Muffwiggler? Mike McGrath †

    ? In what way do you see it as polarized?
  36. JohnLRice

    Welche Stromversorgung für 5MU Portable System

    Hi, I recently put together a small portable system in a QCP22 case and I had a custom power solution using two small power-one / Bel power linear supplies, one for + -15v & + 5v and another for + -12v.
  37. JohnLRice

    Adaption unterschiedlicher Module an Stromversorgung

    Hello, A big subject with many variations of what will work! 8) :selfhammer: Basically the adapter boards from COTK and Mos-Lab that are designed to connect to a DotCom power supply and drop the DotCom +-15 volts down to +-12 volts have 6 pin MTA-100 headers on them that you plug one of the...
  38. JohnLRice

    E102 Basics Tutorial

    Thanks! 8) The right angle cables are from Erthenvar :supi: ... 5mm-cables
  39. JohnLRice

    E102 Basics Tutorial
