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 SEQUENTIALCIRCUITS T8 Analog Synthesizer + simple sequencer

  Sequential Circuits
Sequential Circuits T8 synthesizer
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Built 1983
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
8 Voice / Stimmen
2x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 1850 (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive

OSC Features fm pwm
Wave Shapes square pulse triangle saw + noise
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs square triangle saw
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR

MIDI Control / Triggering
76 Keys with pressure velocity deluxe

Arpeggiator no
Sequencer simple sequencer
(ID 149)
  deutsch - german
ABOUT quite like a Prophet 5/10 but with Velocity and polyphonic aftertouch (!), also more voices than a P5.. the top model in fact they all said: hey, Dave you want poly pressure on the new (yes!) midi standard just for this synth! (no other synth exept the cs80 had poly pressure "Aftertouch" that time) it is mainly a velocity equipped dual prophet 5. no more , no less. to my ears it is a bit thinner than a p10 or p5 but more expressive (velocity and pressure)
ABOUT Ist dem Prophet 5/10 sehr ähnlich, hat aber Anschlagdynamik und polyphonen (!) Aftertouch und auch mehr mehr Stimmen als ein P5.
DETAILS has filterFM (polymod), can be split into 2 parts. it's a Prophet in fact, but Dave Smith was so happy that he chose the T for Touch. HARDWARE: 16 CEM3340 VCO 8 CEM3372 Signal Processor - CEM3372 Filter/Mix/VCA UPDATE: T8 used 5 x CEM3360(4 for polymod 1 for volume)
DETAILS hat filterFM (polymod), ist splitbar. das "T" ist natürlich für Touch, ansich ist er also ein Prophet T8. HARDWARE: 16 CEM3340 VCO 8 CEM3372 Signal Processor - CEM3372 Filter/Mix/VCA UPDATE: T8 used 5 x CEM3360(4 for polymod 1 for volume)
SOUND all perkussive , pads bass, sound quite like a P5.
SOUND alles perkussive pads bass, klignt recht ähnlich wie der P5.

SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS known or written as SCI or Dave Smith
sequentialcircuits synth manufacturer logo - Hersteller Logo

Dave Smith was founder of SCI, he runs Dave Smith Instruments today and continued what he started in the late 70ies building the first synth based on SSM chips (later Curtis) and it was polyphonic. Yamaha aquired the rights for SCI and Prophet later, so Dave won't name his synths prophet in the future..

Dave Smith war der Gründer und Macher hinter SCI, heute arbeitet er weiter unter dem Namen Dave Smith Instruments und führt fort, was er mit SCI begann. SCI startete ende der 70 mit dem Prophet 5. Basis der Idee war einen polyphonen Synthesizer auf Basis der damals neuen SSM (und später Wechsel zu Curtis) Chips zu bauen. Die Namen SCI und Prophet gehören heute Yamaha.

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