Auf Wendy Carlos' Website gibt es zum ersten Mal seit Ewigkeiten eine Aktualisierung, zum Buch von Amanda Sewell:
Bogus "Bio" Alert
Please be aware there’s a purported “Biography” on me just released. It belongs on the fiction shelf. No one ever interviewed me, nor anyone I know. There's zero fact-checking. Don’t recognize myself anywhere in there—weird. Sloppy, dull and dubious, it's hardly an objective
academic study as it pretends to be.
This slim, mean-sprited [sic] volume is based on several false premises. All of it is speculation taken out of context. The key sources are other people’s write-ups of interviews done for magazine articles. There’s simply no way to know what’s true or not—nothing is first-hand.
The book is presumptuous. Pathetically, it accepts as “factual” a grab-bag of online urban legends, including anonymous axes to grind. The author imputes things she doesn’t understand, misses the real reasons for what was done or not done. She’s in way over her head, outside any areas of expertise, and even defames my dear deceased parents—shame!
Well, now you know, and have the victim's honest reactions. Wish there were more one could do
about needless personal attacks, but we have to understand how essential freedom of speech is,
even when it permits such abuse. Have dealt with stereotyping most of my life, a pretty tough
hide by now. But aren’t there new, more interesting targets?
Unless you consider “academic” books a form of contact sport, you really might want to reconsider your time and money.
—Wendy Carlos, August 2020.
Was mich etwas irritiert, ist, warum wohl auf Interviewanfragen nicht reagiert wurde bzw. warum nicht erst die Erlaubnis zur Veröffentlichung eingeholt wurde. Ist aber auch egal -- da haben sich Leute an den Köppen, von denen der eine die publizistische Leiter noch erklimmen möchte, während der andere schon seit Ewigkeiten die beleidigte Leberwurst spielt.
Was mich allerdings interessieren würde, ist, wie Carlos dieses oben vorgestellte Gendergestammel von Roshana Dingsbums gemundet hat und ob sie das ebenso unerträglich fand.