METONYMY - Brainstorm Of Darkness [SD020] :: OUT am 8. Juli

The figure of speech over a complex ever twisting soundscape of boom !!!


Metonymy comes from the Greek "a change of name". Used in rhetoric in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with that thing or concept. Metonyms can be either real or fictional concepts representing other concepts real or fictional, but they must serve as an effective and widely understood second name for what they represent.
Chill + Darxid = METONYMY
The International forging of two like minded individuals with the soul purpose of making great music.
Chill and Darxid first met in July 2011 at London. A plan was hatched to combine beats and rhymes, ideas and energy, to formulate what we now call "Metonymy". A Subsonic - Darkside hybrid which breeds nu-life into the world of Electro and Rap. This UK - German connection is quite heavy weight.

Metonymy :: "Brainstorm Of Darkness" [SD020] available July 8th ... wherever you buy digital music !!!

