MicroGranny 2.0 SD-Card Preset File-Structure



Hi all,

I want to write a custom tool to manage my samples and presets on the MicroGranny 2.0 from Bastl Instruments.

The Presets are stored in binary files named P01.txt, P02.txt (...) on the SD-card. I wondered how to read these files or interpret the bytes in them.
Does anybody know the Structure of the files? Or does anyone knows a tool to easily manage the samples on the MG?

This is how the file looks in hex. This is P03.txt and has sample F0.wav assigned to all 6 buttons with same parameters.
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6100
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6100
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6100
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6100
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6100
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6100

This is P04.txt which has Samples F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F6 assigned all with same parameters.
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6100
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6300
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6500
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6700
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6900
ff03 0000 0427 00fe 3718 6d00

In all files the last two bytes are 0, the 4 bytes before change with the file name, but I coudlnt find a useful conversion. The rest of the bytes change when I change parameters, but I couldnt figure out a pattern yet.

Hope you can help me out :)

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