General Info
Oberheim Xpander
+ Matrix 12
2 VCOs, VCOs syncable,
5 LFOs,
5 ENVs,
3 Tracking Generators,
4 Ramp-Generators (mini envelopes),
and yes, it is an expander, t
the matrix 12 is the "keyboard version" but with 12 voices. a double version!
LPF,HPF (1-4 Pol), BPF (2 & 4 Pol), Notch, Phase (3 Pol), and Combinations: HPF (2-3 Pol)+LPF(1 Pol), Notch (2 Pol) + LPF (1 Pol), Phase (3 Pol) + LPF (1 Pol) , Filter FM and Oszillator FM modable
6 CV + Gate input Jacks / cv/gate-Anschlüsse, not on Matrix 12
Footswitch for switching the Patches + 2 defineable - Fußschalter um Soundprogramme umzuschalten und 2 frei definierbare,
Kassettenrecorder rein&raus (für sounds, jaja.. veraltet aber gibts.. geht auch über MIDI Dump) / Tape Recorder interface for saving the patches (really, that time this was the usual, remember the good ol' commodore C64??)
Einzelausgänge für jede der 6 Stimmen und zusätzlich: links, recht und Extra-Monoausgang!
Individual outs for every of the 6 voices, dedicated Mono Master out AND left&right main out!!
MIDI in , out, thru (no comment)
Memory Protect Schalter/switch, Triggereingang/trigger input,'
100 soundspeicherplätze/patches, 100 Multis, Unisono mode (doubles the sound up to 6 voices) und 3fache Zonenverwaltung (3 Zones for Keyboard range, Transpose, Pan, CV, Volume und/and extra Vibrato LFO (global).. ja der ist zusätzlich!!/yes its n.other additional LFO!!! go for it!!
LFO max Frequency: ca. 25 Hz,triggerable(triggerbar)/triggermode einstellbar/triggermode adjustable multi/single/external), Tri,Saw up/down, Square, Random, Noise, Sample(&Hold) von allen Modulationsquellen (all mod sources!!)!!
VCOs: Tri,Saw,Pulse,Noise (Noise nur (only) VCO2) alle einzeln schaltbar (all seperately switchable,mixes signals!), Pulsbreite einstell- und modulierbar(Modable Pw/PWM: Pulsewidth), LAG (for delaying signals & portamento) prozessor für Signal-Verzögerungen und Portamento
MOD / Controller - INFO
Alles modulierbar von: alle obigen Quellen,
you can mod every target by these mod sources
Keyboard, Vel, Wheel/Lever/Pitch, Controller, Pressure, Rel.Velocity, Pedal1/2, Vib-LFO, LAG.(everything's modable by those & the above sources!!)
Oberheim Xpander - the mod source keys..
Modwheel => Lever!! the wheels are called levers
globally for all sounds in a multi -
und gilt global für alle Sounds in einem Multi.
Modulation can not be done via controllers exept those 5 self definable controlles that can be assigned... like pedal 1, pedal 2, levers 1-3, ..
warning: Modwheel works for all sounds in a multi!!, for indy mod use other controllers eg: pedals 1,2 (you can set Controllers for them!!).. etc..
Modulation geht nicht über Controller aber über Pedal 1,2, Pitchwheel (auch ein "Lever")... alle Mod-Quellen Quantisierbar (Stufen erzeugen) the wheel&Pitchbend are called levers!!..

enlarge Oberheim Xpander - click the image above!

Xpander / M12 Tricks
Tricks and tips
x-pander / matrix 12 :
if you need more headroom: simply stack up those modulations.. means: add another one and it is twice as strong..
in case of running low on LFOs (haha.. 5 arent n.uff, huh??) use the VIB LFO!!!
want some cool waveforms on LFOs?? apply the tracking generator, also usefull for any controilled as a scaling tool. it also make a simple "microtuning" feature when applied to the VCO pitch it is another scale then well tempered ;-) (if you don't like Bachs inventions).. of course you can do that also using a KBD mod on the VCOs at some amount and switch of the hardwired KB-mod in VCO's page 2!
the VCOs are still to high or too low for your mega sound?? use a ramp at no ramp time and add the desired tuning.. so you can get another osctave lower
make it more phat: use a fast ramp on the pitch (try all: both, or only one VCO or different ramps at little difference modding those VCOs
want a real sample and hold?? use the LAG using exp., RATE=63.Modulate the rate with the "GATE": GATE=63 => sample, GATE=0 =>hold
and of course the gate is another way of transposing if you do not want to sacrifice ramps.. but note that it flips back when in "release" state!! (maybe a nice effect.. sometimes unwanted..
the speed of ramps may be better for drums/percussion (faster)
I have never owned a manual.. but if you want a fast number without having to turn up the knob encoders simply enter any number above the maximum soo... 88 or 99 is good for making it +63 .. and 666 ;-) (!!!) or 999 (or any other number exept 111 will give you the max setting faster than turning the knob!!.. works fine for me.. ;-)
thats all!! for now!!! ;-)

Das WICHTIGSTE: das Ding klingt EXZELLENT!!!
now the important one: it sounds WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! |