Fast Envelope

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Fast Envelopes in Syntheiszer - Schnelle Hüllkurven in Syntheiszern

basics behind really fast envelopes could be: exponential VCAs and different slopes in the ENV stages - my definition for fast envelopes is: it's around 1msecs

   * Jupiter 4 / Promars (one of my fave fast ZAP envs ..)
     Moog Modular , Minimoog, etc. (to my ears one of the nicest and ultrafast ZAPPing Envs ever made, maybe because of it's behaviour from max. level to sustain.. somekind of "hold" and fall sounding very snappy!)
     a new very very fast Envelope Machine is here: The Cwejman S1 from Sweden.
     it has very scalable fast envs with 0.5ms response time. sorry, this one kicks! should kick of almost any other analogue synth I know atm.
     there are quite some SH rolands with nice envelopes, too.. but note: those AR ENVs of ARP or SH5 and other models never sound "fast" for other reasons.. if you want it snappy, you need at least AD or more..
     Andromeda A6 set to ultra fast in the "engine optimizer" 
     Analogue Systems Spawn (why? = VCA exp, the ENVs themselves are not really "fast"..)
     Technosaurus Modular System provides very nice snappy envelopes!
     also Clavias Synthesizers are quite fast, but it sounds "digital fastness" (same for a6)
     quite nice: Waldorf Q / µQ Envelopes.. same thing about digital envs, you can still hear it is different.. but not bad.. same for access virus series..
     not on top of everything but interesting are those env's in yamahas FM synthesizers, especially TG and DX series..
     some links:
     but do not take this too serious, the jx10 1ms? I did not have the impression of ultra-fastness on the jx8p, jx10 ;)