Anyware Tinysizer - Modular System auf kleinstem Raum

Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum

sadnoiss schrieb:
Nachdem mir Tommy das eben erlaubt hat, kann ich mich jetzt outen:

Ich habe Tommy auf dem HK das zweite Vorserienmodel abgeschwatz.

I can only assume that you are an extremely attractive blond female. ;-)
Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum

Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum


Because you managed to convince Tommy to give you that second prototype of the Tiny.
Or maybe you are a smurf. That's the only other option. We know Tommy's weakness for smurfs...
Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum


kaum ist das Wort FUMMELN (oder english: fummeling) wieder im Spiel, wollen die Leute gleich wieder
ihre kleine "Schwester" unter die Leute bringen :D
Bei dem Anblick der blauen Maus ist schon bei einem meiner kleinen Freunde ein Sägezahn rausgefallen.....
Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum

Na dann ... blaue Potiknöpfe für die Schlumpfinen Edition :)
Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum

ich häng jetzt gerade am compo für 1-2 stunden hier rum. Wer jetzt mal Fragen frägen will ? Kein Problem....
First hour with the Tiny

Okay guys, just had my first hour with the Tiny. Short first impressions.

The filter is PORN. It's awesome. It' fat and solid. Driven with a single signal, the filter input will start to overdrive around 7 or so, and the overdriven sound is great. Turn up the reso knob all the way to 10 and go to heaven. :) Bottom end stays with reso turned up. This is my first encounter with a serious SEM based filter (ignoring the one in the Andro), and I have a fine set of other filters here to compare.

My old eyes (just turned 50, ughh) handle the patch wires and labels just fine. I need some more light than usual in the dimly lit studio, but that's it.

Patching the Tiny is fun! No arm stretching as on the big modular. Everything is under your eyes. Love to 'clear' a patch by pulling out all the wires in one go with a single light pull, and start again.

Tons of patch points, and many functions come with two or four input or outputs. For example, the VCA4 input has 4 patch points. OSC saw out has 4 patch points. Most have at least 2 patch points. So there's hardly any need for the mults. Cool.

The OSCs and SUBs sound great. Need more time with those.

Built in FX is super, super cool. Just like I expected, the digital FX unit is made available as a module with an input (4 patch points) and two outputs (two patch points each). Do with it whatever you like. I already used the second FX output as an FM source for one of the OSCs. That's up to 1 sec delayed FM, get it? :) The classical approach however would be to make the main sound available on MIX1 input and the FX output on MIX2 input and balance at will with the MIX input pots.

Did I say I love the filter?

- Robert
Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum

Ah thanks! I tried to use the soundcloud tags, but didn't know data it needed.

- Robert
Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum

it's a bit complicated, you need to copy the first URL within the EMBED/SHARE CODE, like here viewtopic.php?f=25&t=14294&p=474611#p474611
(there are some images).
it's the first real URL with % in it without the quotes, then use the soundcloud knob here in the forum, it's a bit harder compared to youtube placement. sorry.

I am with you about the SEMish Filter in the Tinysizer.
Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum

Got it, thanks, it's the value of the 'value' field in the <param> element of the player URL provided by soundcloud.
The link you gave me above doesn't work for me, I have no permission to see it.
Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum

I've checked the forum user rights, hope you can see it now, there is a status called "recent members". please check again..
Re: Anyware Tinysizer, Modular System auf kleinem Raum

Under Subforum "Forumblah" and one of the first Links called ADMIN SHOUTBOX

