Jomox Alpha Base update?



Been a while since the last update...does anybody have any info on possible updates? Some ideas I have are:

1.Add the function to record MIDI notes into AB sequencer from external keyboard controller. That would really make the FM synth more of a musical tool.

2.Note nudge

3. Unquantized recording


5. Chain banks (instead of just the patterns)

6. Shuffle the drum rolls/flams

Sounds incredible, but kinda bitchy in the lab...
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Nothing of that. But for the MBRANE you have now 12 Scence (means HH, Snare,..). Also some Bugfixes. I hope that Jürgen will implement a better Song/Chain Mode where you can define how often a pattern repeats before going to the next.
Also to store Mutes into the parttern.
Nothing of that. But for the MBRANE you now have 12 Scence (means HH, Snare,..). So some bug fixes. I hope that Jürgen will implement a better Song/Chain Mode where you can define how often a pattern repeats before going to the next.
Also to store Mutes into the partners.
Are the 3 new scenes designed using only the analog circuitry, bypassing samples?

Pattern repeats would be good for song mode, I agree. I'd love to see individual BPMs, kits and time signatures for each bank of patterns- each bank having it's own BPM, kit and time signature would be great. That way we could work on 4 different beats or performance sets.

Regardless of possible future updates, I'm happy to hear the bugs are being fixed.

Just remembered a possible bug I've encountered- Alpha Base 'delay BPM sync' (implemented in v1.31) does not seem to be working with v1.49, at least not from internal BPM clock sync (switched on)- I haven't tested 'delay BPM sync' with external clock. Can you confirm?
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Been a while since the last update...does anybody have any info on possible updates? Some ideas I have are:

1.Add the function to record MIDI notes into AB sequencer from external keyboard controller. That would really make the FM synth more of a musical tool.

2.Note nudge

3. Unquantized recording


5. Chain banks (instead of just the patterns)

6. Shuffle the drum rolls/flams

Sounds incredible, but kinda bitchy in the lab...
every man has a dream...
Is the AB still a pain in the ass? Related to external sync? there at least any list with all the current bugs?
I'v enever had a problem with external sync, probably because I use a MIDI clock generator to keep the timing tight. The sequencer is very basic and it's the main weakness of the instrument overall imo. Kickdrum and Mrbrane are versatile sound tools but the FM synth is almost useless for any type of melodic sequencing...what a waste of potential.
I'v enever had a problem with external sync, probably because I use a MIDI clock generator to keep the timing tight.
With mine, the timing was terrible! Always went out of timing! Even when i used the small E-RM Midiclock+!
...backwards forwards backwards... and... and! 💣

And of course, it´s a shame!
But is what it is! And lucky us, some new products are already waiting for us by JOMOX! ;-)
Just a matter of time, and electroni components, and...of course programming and ,,so god will,, bug fixing!
With mine, the timing was terrible! Always went out of timing! Even when i used the small E-RM Midiclock+!
...backwards forwards backwards... and... and! 💣

And of course, it's a shame!
But is what it is! And lucky us, some new products are already waiting for us by JOMOX!;-)
Just a matter of time, and electronic components, and...of course programming and ,,so god will,, bug fixing!
Yeeeeah, not sure if I'll buy another Jomox product to be honest. If the underdeveloped sequencer in the AB is any indicator of what the future holds, I'm not interested.
I only ran the AB in sync slave mode and never had the slightest sync issue (and I'm extremely picky with that) so I guess that problem already was sorted out before I first got the AB. I wonder what the claim is about that the FM synth being specialized for "percussive sounds" because it seems that no one ever was able to get a percussive sound from that FM synth, including Jürgen, the creator of the AB.
I only ran the AB in sync slave mode and never had the slightest sync issue (and I'm extremely picky with that) so I guess that problem already was sorted out before I first got the AB. I wonder what the claim is about that the FM synth being specialized for "percussive sounds" because it seems that no one ever was able to get a percussive sound from that FM synth, including Jürgen, the creator of the AB.
The 'pretty much useless' FM synth could be used for melodies if we could record MIDI notes in the AB sequencer from an external keyboard, which we can't. What a waste of an FM synth.
With mine, the timing was terrible! Always went out of timing! Even when i used the small E-RM Midiclock+!
...backwards forwards backwards... and... and! 💣

And of course, it´s a shame!
But is what it is! And lucky us, some new products are already waiting for us by JOMOX! ;-)
Just a matter of time, and electroni components, and...of course programming and ,,so god will,, bug fixing!
I bought your AB. I never have problems like this. And always I use only midi. No PC or whatever. Only hardware connected with MIDI. It’s running stabile.
Die neueste heißt immer genauso, damit man sie direkt flashen kann. Release notes sind auf hauptseite
es wäre doch schön wenn da irgendwo stünde .. hey hier Version 1.50 und hier release notes.

In der News section hab ich eine Bemerkung zu 1.5 gefunden
"OS 1.50: Track pointer correctly zeroed on pattern change, otherwise wrong Last Step borrowings"

eine große release Nummer und eine skurrile Beschreibung im Programmierer-Slang ist alles?

Cooles Gerät die AB aber das finde ich äußerst irritierend.
was ist das mit dem Reverb? Wenn die Kiste startet kommt das erste Kit/Preset/Pattern "Alpha One" mit Reverb auf allen Instrumenten. Ich schaffe es das Reverb im FX Menü auszuschalten. Aber nachdem ich das Kit oder das Pattern save ist das Reverb wieder aktiv. Obwohl es aus scheint. Nochmal reverb an/aus hilft. Aber dauerhaft scheint man es nicht abschalten zu können!?
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Doch. Sollte eigentlich genauso funktionieren. Hast du ne SD Karte am Start? Ansonsten kannst du glaub ich nichts abspeichern. Übrigens ist der Hapax genau der Freund, den die Alpha braucht.
Flam/Roll.. macht mich grad fertig.
Double-click auf einen Step. Okay. Aber er/sie/es springt dann auf einen anderen Menüpunkt des Shift Menüs.
Wahnsinn, das Timing eines internen Sequencers mit Timing über Midi zu vergleichen, finde ich.
Ist die AB da so schlecht?
Der interne sequencer ist Imho extrem tight und grooved extrem, bei mir mit externer clock von der ERM Multiclock, meistens mit etwas swing.
Ich persönlich finde ihn auch ok zu programmieren, mache aber wenig automatisierung, die kommt dann später Von ableton über midi.
Nimm den Hapax. Alles andere ist Selbstgeißelung. Ich hab mich noch nicht reingefuchst, aber im Drum Mode sollten die wichtigsten Funktionen ja steuerbar sein. Inklusive Automation. Kleiner Tip. Die Mbrane und der FM Synth sind der Hammer. Reinfuchsen lohnt sich.

Da werden auch nochmal ein paar nette Sachen gezeigt. Ist eine ganze Tutorial Reihe. Aber kurz gehalten.
Schönes Video, allerdings IMHO nix Timing-kritisches.
Man kann durchaus auch nur Controllerdaten senden, meinst Du das?

Geht es um Noteevents bei Drums, geht IMHO nix über intern, zumindest
im tanzbaren elektrischen Bereich. Die Trigger Ins an einer Vermona DRM haben
schon auch einen tieferen Sinn... Habe das leider zu spät gechecked und nur Midi,
das ist aber ein anderes Thema. :kaff:

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