Moog Prodigy clone DIY

Brother303 schrieb:
citric acid schrieb:
Potis sind irgendwie schwer zu bekmmen.

EnsureSound schrieb:
Unfortunately they are not easily available.
I recommend to all who can not find them replaced by 1M LOG.

Musikding hat alle Werte. 2,5M und 5M ersetzen durch 1M (und 2 andere Kondensatoren).

Bei einem Groupbuy wäre ich dabei. Wo willst Du denn ordern? :mrgreen:

heeeeee....da bin ich aber blind. grade die M habe ich nicht gefunden oder sind das rev log ?
For all!
New corrected BOM for MIDI-CV convertor:

Not soldering resistor R19! For correct work CNY-17-3... :selfhammer:

EnsureSound :nihao:


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Attention all those who build Moog Prodigy clone! :school:
For proper and stable operation of the VCO1 pulse wave.
Resistor R41 must be 18,2K. Resistor R48 must be 38K.


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I just checked the J112 Transistors I built in:
Here is the data sheet:

Am I correct that the J112 does not match the direction of the silkscreen, at least when I look at the schematics?

I completed the build but I don't get any signal from OSC 2 and no TRI Wave from both and the CV in Jack is not taking any note changes.
I can also only trigger the VCA via the S-Trig with a gate from the modular?? The Gate jack is not working!
The filter seems to work however.

The constant changes are quite annoying since I have to rip everything apart again. :self hammer:


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judging by the pictures, I can already see the error ...
Pay attention to how you have soldered all 3906, because I did beforehand showed that they should be rotated 180 degrees.

After you deploy them at 180 degrees, I hope all the problems go away.
Again! Closely familiarize with the documentation that I sent to you. Do not hesitate to ask questions. And your Moog Prodigy will work at once!

Perhaps you've done more mistakes, do not rule ... But first correct something that I found on the you photo.
I hope you will succeed! I always happy to help!

Good luck!


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I do not see clearly the entire board entirely.
Although your transistors 3906 are correct!

And check the correct mounting legs of JFET J112.


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Hi Dmitry,

Thank you for your help. I'm sorry, I didn't want to be rude.
I rotated all the 3906 beforehand (see pictures).
I left the 3904 as they are printed on the silkscreen.

For the E112 I used J112 however and the Pinout is very different. I'll have to change that before I can test again.
Maybe that was the issue. I'll check the rest again for mistakes and get back to you.
At least there is some sound coming and the filter is working so I can't be all too wrong.



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3904 and 3906 are soldered correctly!
So check also JFETs.

Use an oscilloscope to check.
Waveform file name correspond to the element, on which should be the wave form.


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example of soldering JFET's 2N5457 or J112


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Cool thanks!
Thats how I figured out is must be. Now I only have to wait to get a few new ones since I had to cut some legs to get them out!
I'll post the results as soon as I soldered them in!
Your help is much appreciated...Cheers!
EnsureSound schrieb:
example of soldering JFET's 2N5457 or J112

Im Datenblatt der J112 und der 2N5457 steht: "Source and Drain are interchangeable".

Da muss man Source und Drain (im Foto die beiden linken Beinchen) also nicht kreuzen, was das einlöten doch sehr erleichtert.
Thank you Nordcore for the sensible remark! :nihao:

Perfectly! :supi: Then the legs can be soldered exactly! No twisting them ...
It is enough to deploy it to 180 degrees, regarding the drawing screen printing.

Example for soldering 2N5457 and J112! Corrected by Nordcore:


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Success...After putting in the J112 correctly I get sound from both OSCs!
I only get some strange behaviour on the switching especially the sync switch. Either VCO 1 sounds thick and full or VCO 2 depending on the position of the switch.
Maybe I wired something incorrectly...I'll have to check that.
Also CV and Gate are still not working though I wired the jacks as described in the guide Pin1 and 3 from the right of P2. I took the ground for both jacks from the left Pin of SW7.
My modular receives CV/ Gate correctly, I checked that.
The S Trig works with a short gate from the MIDI-CV Interface.
Any suggestions?

Congratulations! :supi:
Advanced a step further! Surely there are still bugs to be found. :agent:
I have everything working perfectly! Check the assembly, maybe somewhere something's not right.
I advise you to check the circuit responsible for the CV and GATE.


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As always...thanks for your help.
I see a difference already since I also soldered a ground wire to the CV-Jack.
I'll remove it an try again.

BTW the raw OSCs sound really really FAT :phat:

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