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  1. X

    SND ACME - Erfahrungsaustausch

    hey guys, i've been following this thread even though i don't speak german (google translate ;) ) i'm very interested in the acme-4 for my various gear (707/808/909/303, tempest, octatrack, mpc60,sp1200..) i currently use the innerclock sync shift..nice device but only 2 machines can be...
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    Dave Smith Instruments - Tempest

    i totally agree with you that there are still important features missing, however you are very wrong about the development. there is a dsi forum where pym the tempest coder is very active and posts beta updates almost weekly. many missing features have already been addressed (bank b) and...
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    Dave Smith Instruments - Tempest

    hey guys..i've been following some of this discussion through google translate (sorry i don't speak german :oops: ) rest assured i don't work for dave smith but i do own a tempest and thought i'd share my thoughts on the sound since it seems to be the major issue here, and interestingly for me...
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    SND ACME (vs. innerclock )

    The rotary control on the Sync-Shift MKIII gives you a single clock (20ms@120BPM) to play with in real-time. i'll ask david from innerclock about the resolution. i've contacted sebastian from snd, he did answer a few questions but when i pressed him for more he basically told me he didn't have...
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    SND ACME (vs. innerclock )

    hey guys, i've been following your discussion through google translate about the acme4 vs sync shift. i have read the acme4 manual and of course it can do some unique things (4 channels/double tempo/swing etc..) but i am also curious how it compares to sync shift purely on the shift precision. i...