09.12.2018 Frankfurt Xerox Exotique #041: Kybernaughty – Noise Cinematique – Educator

09.12.2018 INM – Institut für Neue Medien, Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Doors open at 19:00, starts at 20:00
Admission 8 Euro

W. Glas & W. Strauss: Noise Cinematique
Tired of Electronica and tired of Rock, long time partners in crime W. Glas and W. Strauss have created Noise Cinematique. Imagine a crossbreed of Bernard Herrmann and Nine Inch Nails that will take you to your darkest moments.

Two decades after The Stalker 33rpm Kybernaughty happily presents his new record: Ikarie 33rpm – back in vinyl!
It is the terminus of an unexpected journey, bowing to idols while steering its own course. It is also a Janus-faced creation: digitally pulsating metamorphosis confronts analog melting melodies.

Educator: The truth and nothing but the truth, rare live performance.

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