Sherman confusion..

some spotted sherman Rack Versions, but in fact read this (from the sherman forum) to clear things up..

Dear all, the photo at Gearjunkies is one that we’ve made ourselves and sent to some dealers. This is the 1x rack version. There is also a 2x rackversion, with 2 Sherman FB in 1 rack. We have let professional photo’s made too, but these are still at the photographer and we’ll do our best to post them soon (as soon as we can get in touch with our webmaster). Some comment on the gearjunkies website : they stated that there is a stereo filterbank built in it, in cooperation with company Rodec. This is somewhat false : we are indeed working on a stereo version DJ filterbank with Rodec, but this will be a totally different concept (by Rodec) and won’t be released until later in the year 2006. In our own rack versions there is the regular Sherman Filterbank built in.
Thank you in advance for your patience regarding our photo’s for both rackversions.

Mieke @ Sherman

so, the message is: please wait for the real new Sherman Filterbank Fb2 / double etc..

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