SynthDB – added even more synths recently.

even more synths added:
Elka Solist505

Elka Solist505 synthesizer
Crumar Performer

Crumar Performer synthesizer

lots of Arturia Software Synths
and Seiko DS310, DS202, DS101 (some info and image missing in here)
Modulus Monowave (no pic so far) and the
Wersi StagePerformerMk1SII (of course no pic here, too)


Manikin Memotron

Manikin Memotron synthesizer
Memotron at the Musikmesse Frankfurt (_)
© Moogulator SynID623 

some other synths to come, missing a synth in here, still?.. let me know – post it in the forum or leave a comment – something wrong? just send me an email, got images of synths not in the database so far?.. just drop me a line, but it must be your image (no rights of others) since I don’t want to violate the law etc.. a small (not complete) list is here: Support Site/Pics wanted

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