Android-Schmankerl: Redphone / TextSecure

whisper systems bietet zwei verschiedene android apps an, die telefonate und textnachrichten verschlüsseln sollen.

funktioniert wohl nur, wenn beide gesprächs- bzw. textteilnehmer die programme benutzen. beta läuft bereits in den usa.

weiß jemand genaueres? ist das telefonieren über internet?

When you initiate a call using RedPhone, your phone makes an SSL connection to our high speed switch and asks it to initiate a call. The switch then sends an encrypted SMS message to the recipient of the call on your behalf. Since both links of this call setup procedure are encrypted, and since the initiating SMS comes from our switch rather than your phone, there is no easy record of who is calling who.

It could certainly be possible, however, for a powerful adversary with the ability to monitor all network traffic to do traffic correlation in order to determine who is calling who.

also läuft das über einen server? kenn mich nicht so aus.

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