Eddie Jobson spielt VAX77


mein GAS objekt nr. 1
sind 3000 amerikanische dollars zu viel für "nur" einen midi-controller? auch wenn er richtig gut ist? was meint ihr?

ja aber dies hier kann cs80-mäíg polyphonen aftertouch, s. erster patch im video. außerdem soll es eine superdupermäßige velocity abtastung haben, release velocity, touch panel mit fadern und preset verwaltung, jede menge pedalanschlüsse. gewicht/größe soll flugzeugkabinentauglich sein. - nur der mod slider sitzt komisch aber irgendwas ist ja immer.
und es kostet.
Das Teil schaut recht robust aus und wenn es für einen genau D A S Masterkeyboard sein sollte, dann
ist der Preis sicherlich ok für einen einmaligen Kauf. Kann mir gut vorstellen, dass man dann
mindestens 10 Jahre damit, eine gute Case vorausgesetzt, touren gehen kann.
es gibt einen neue firmware mit erweiterten funktionen. der druck, den es braucht, um eine polyAT message auszulösen ist per taste einstellbar. außerdem eine umstellmöglichkeit für die message, die das mod-wheel sendet und quick access-buttons für presets/splits.


"Version 1.5 adds the ability to manually set the pressure required to begin aftertouch messages. This is set individually for each key, giving you, for example, the ability to set high pressure for lower notes and light pressure for higher notes. Turn on Poly Aftertouch by pressing the Effect button and press the Left Wheel to enter Diagnositcs mode. Hold down each key with the prefered pressure and press the green button to store that pressure for that key. Repeat for each key. The blue button erases the stored setting for a key, and holding it for 5 seconds erases all the pressure values. If no pressure is stored for a key, the current Adaptive Aftertouch algorithm manages the aftertouch for that key.

The four soft buttons on left side of the Playlist screen have a new function. They no longer select Split Memories 1-12. Instead, they control the function of the Left Side Wheel. The top button assigns the wheel to control Volume (MIDI cc 7). The other 3 soft buttons change that assignment to MIDI cc 91, cc 92 and cc 93. These values cannot be modified at this time.

The keyboard player for Conan O’Brien’s band is Scott Healy. During the show, Scott has to make very rapid random access changes to presets and splits, and our Playlist mode did not suit his needs. He requested 8 large easily readable buttons that could instantly select a particular configuration. At the same time, numerous customers have asked for more split memories. In version 1.5, we have answered both requests.

There is a new QuickSet Mode that divides the screen into 8 large soft buttons. It is accessed from Playlist Mode by pressing the Right Side Wheel or on power up by setting the Starting Screen to QuickSet. Behind every QuickSet button is a complete 4 way split/layer combination. Press one of the QuickSet buttons, it turns green and selects the underlying split. To edit or create a new split, press one of the QuickSet buttons then press the green button. All presets marked as favorites are available to define the split. Press blue to save the changes.

There are 16 pages of QuickSet buttons giving you 128 possible splits. Change pages with the arrow keys or by turning the Right Side Wheel. The QuickSet buttons are numbered consecutively from 1 to 128 with 1 thru 8 on page one and 9 thru 16 on page two, etc. Once a Quickset button is defined, it’s number is replaced by the names of the instruments the make up the split, e.g. Piano/Bass/Strings."

