List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS 1.31 to 1.32
IMPORTANT: Machinedrums past serial number H60502047-45 should NOT be
downgraded to OS versions below 1.31 because of internal hardware
updates incompatible with previous versions!
- General -
Now! Preview sounds! In the Kit edit menu - trigger the track with
the [TRACK] button associated with the track selected.
Copy/Clear/Paste with UNDO is now available in Load and Save Song.
Function + Rotary affects all tracks with Midi machines if the
current track is a Midi machine. If the current track is a UW RAM
Recording machine it only affects UW RAM recording machines.
Otherwise it affects all tracks but the ones with UW RAM Recording
or Midi Machines.
CTR-AL no longer affects MIDI machines or the first page of
UW RAM Recording machines.
Paste Undo implemented, works like Clear Undo.
Function + Enter in Kit Edit selects the machine but keeps the effect
and routing settings of the track.
Copy and Paste Pattern now correctly copies the kit from which you
actually copied (current kit), not as before the kit that happened
to be saved.
UW Only: Preview samples! Function + Enter replays selected sample
(using the track currently selected) in Sample manager.
UW Only: Copy, Clear and Paste samples in Sample mananger! This
supplies basic sampler functionality. RAM machine can only be sampled
_from_, not to. Pasting machine empties both RAM machines.
UW Only: RAM machines can also be dumped using MIDI sample dump.
Bug fixes
- General -
Paste Track did not always clear LFO depth when LFO modulated another
track. Fixed.
- Midi Machines -
Slide did not work properly on Midi machine locks. Fixed.
Bank CC was sent as Modulation Wheel CC by LFO and Slide. Fixed.
Locked Midi parameter on first step of track was immediately reset to
track value. Fixed.
When changing between patterns the first step played the notes of the
last pattern. Fixed.
When trigged locked chords are followed by trigged steps without locks,
the following steps still trigger chords. Fixed
The Midi machines handling of Notes and Continuous controllers have been
generally improved.
Please note that Slide and LFO of the same parameter still does not work
well. We are working on this.
Local off inhibited Note off until Stop was pressed. Fixed.
Mute sometimes stopped Note off from being sent on track. Fixed.
Note trigged LFOs restarted after Note on. Fixed.
Slides and LFO did not work together. Fixed.
First Notelength after reboot is wrong. Fixed.
IMPORTANT: Machinedrums past serial number H60502047-45 should NOT be
downgraded to OS versions below 1.31 because of internal hardware
updates incompatible with previous versions!