Euro Rack Module by Harvestman

Video:  Youtube-Demo

Strange and interesting Modules, mostly digital ones in Euro Rack (Doepfer) Format can be seen on the Harvestman site.

the site says:

current production:

  • model 2012 „malgorithm“,
    bit depth/sample rate reducer [nov 2006] Youtube-Demo
  • model 1986 „zorlon cannon“
    pitched noise and gates [feb 2007]

coming soon:

  • model 9791 „hertz donut“
    digital oscillator [2007]
  • model 1973 „tyme sefari“
    loop sampler / audio buffer [2007]

  • roadmap (not read yet):

    • model 1873 „bionic lester“
      ill-behaved hybrid signal filter [2007]
  • model 1963 „transcontiental rails“
    buchla signal adaptor [2007]

  • model 1991 „piston honda“
    digital wavetable oscillator [2008]

  • afterwards: advanced signal processors and function generators.

    via forum: Noch ein Eurorack Modular-Hersteller: The Harvestman

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