Macbeth News – M5 white face

X-Factor is still in the happening- I’m now looking at a realistic
release date for it being late May/Early June 07, priced at £1750.00
GBP- I now have the suitable keyboard assemblies/circuit boards etc-
it’s just been a case of timing. During this time- I have had a lot of
enquiries regarding the future (if there was one!) of the M5- well here
it is- I’m uploading pics here of the M5N- I have taken into accounbt
what people have said on this group and have implemented some things
including Yves suggestion for different slider caps. Some circuitry has
been updated- as has some of the pre-wired patching…there is some
info on the website. M5N is a small batch order currently- and the
price is £2500.00 GBP excluding EU VAT and shipping…any enquries
about this unit- fire them at me. Currently as I write this- I’m
getting ready for the Franfurt Musikmesse ’07– I head off tommorow to
join my other manufacturing collegues there- and it should be good fun.
If any of you on this list want to come along for a chat- feel free! I
am with Schneider Buero again- the Superbooth is where I will be- that
is Hall 5.1, stand D35/D50……….I’ll let you all know what happens
when I get back! Bye for now……………Ken

via MacBeth Forum / SynthForum: Macbeth M5N


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