Self 3D-printed record works with standard record player

just because – it’s an interesting nerd blog
and may be a key event in music history – to make your records by just printing it. we don’t know yet what it means to be able to print our own vinyl, knobs and buttons that may have a copyright in switzerland, uganda or the republic of snorc tramph somewhere..

3D Printed Record from Amanda Ghassaei on Vimeo.

Erstmal – das ist ein interessanter Nerd-Blog und..
Das könnte noch von Bedeutung sein, dass diese Schallplatte aus dem 3D-Drucker auch abspielbar ist und somit reproduzierbar. Hosenknöpfe von Apple, Schallplatten aus dem Sudan. Wir wissen nicht, was noch folgen wird..
This 3D-printed record works with ordinary record players
-> This 3D-printed record works with ordinary record players | DVICE.

more images ’n‘ stuff ..

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