About vocoders


Uncontrolled Voltage

Hi, I wonder about vocoders and the different number of bands they can have. Would you say that a good vocoder should have as many bands as possible? does many bands mean "cleaner" sound?
No, "cleaner" is not the term. Every vocoder consists out of 2 units: An analysis device and a synthesis device (the later one can sometimes be used a filter bank as well). The first one analysis the frequency of a given signal while the synthesis section recreates this frequency spectrum on a 2nd signal. Thus you'll hear the 2nd signal with a frequency spectrum corresponding to 1rst signal.

You'll need a certain number of bands to get the vocoder work properly. How many is debatable. The PAIA vocoder has - to my best knowledge - 8 bands, the Dopefer one 15 and - hence it's name - the MAM VF11 got 11 bands...
Yes I know it consists of those two units but I´ve been thinking of vocoding as something like sampling, where the number of bands was like bits - the more bands, the more "cleaner" sound. And there is vocoders like the Analog Labs X-32 with 32 bands. How does that many bands affect on the sound compared to one with 8 bands?
no, there are even Vocoders that have less bands but better sound recognition. so it's a question of which frequencies ae used, the analysis (detection) and synthesis part can be differently sounding plus how to deal with noise and the bandwidth of the BPFs..
Well, I suppose that there´s no disadvantage of having many bands ;-)..and the more advanced and expensive vocoders tends to have that.
basically yes, but not necessarly in the practical use..
a 16 band vocoder from X does not sound as easy to understand as another one.. I even know 32bands, that do not sound as "good" as 16band from another manufacturer.. but of course it is a goof thing to have more bands.. >16 is nice >24 cool, >32 great (mostly more is anly available by software like vokator)..
Ok, so..what qualities should I look for when choosing a good vocoder? Most of them are hard to find, so I don´t have the opportunity to compare them live.
hmm, the Quality itself. the bands are ok for first check, but of course a http://www.sequencer.de/syns/korg Korg VC10 does not offer the same sound as the http://www.sequencer.de/syns/roland Roland SVC350..
Do you want a new one or vintage?
I´m not price susceptible. Both vintage and newer ones are interesting. Club of the Knobs vocoder system is probably the one I´ll go for because I already have some of their modules.
Yes, the X-32 catched my interest because of the many bands. Therefore I mentioned it earalier. I have a contact who´s selling one. But, is that patchable? how?
it's french, you can get one at schneidersbuero.de
no, it's not routable.. like most afforable analog vocoders, unfortunately..

no digital one?
Hehe, it´s not patchable, it´s french! :lol:

Digital...it depends on what advantages it is with a digital.
If you go for digital: Check out the eiosis plug in.

If money is no concern: Go analog ;-)

