Dotcom Song



Wurde im entsprendem Forum gepostet und klingt sehr sehr geil! Deshalb gebe ich das mal an dieser Stelle zum Besten:

Here's a tune I made using my dotcom as only sound source (plus some
effect plugins). Previous to this I had only used the dotcom for one or
two sounds in other songs.



My dotcom is a standard entry level system with a few additional
modules: 3rd oscillator, 2nd amplifier, slew limiter, and noise source.
I also use a Yamaha E1010 analog delay as part of the modular system.

All tracks recorded into Sonar first as MIDI, then as audio while
tweaking knobs. Some plugins added later include PSP Nitro (great
tool), Kjaerhus Golden Modulator, Sonitus Surround and Reverb, db-
audioware Aura Pro (amp sim on the bass part).

For the bass part I tempo-sync'ed the modular playing clicks with a
softsynth at 16-ths and sending the output to an oscillator's hard sync
and an envelope gate (which plays the hi hats at the same time as the

The noises heard at the beginning (before everything else comes in) are
made with a self-running patch using the noise source to trigger the
envelopes - the level of noise controls the bleep density.

Hope you enjoy it.

Alfonso Alba Cadena
