EMS Synthi volumes




The Synthi Group returns for part three of their EMS analog music series. Unlike the first two releases, this edition was recorded with a specific theme in mind and with parameters of limitation. The artists appearing on volume three were asked to create ambient soundscapes using EMS equipment ONLY. No other musical gear was used in the creation of this compilation.

Sit back, plug in some headphones and be enveloped by the atmospheric aurality that these fine instruments offer under conduction of experienced adepts. The modulations crafted here are meant to accompany the listener on a voyage one could easily take during sleep, a walk communing with nature, or with a focused ritual. We’ll let you interpret whether your journey is more akin to a pleasant dream, or a dark nightmare; an enjoyable walk, or a terrified flight; a positive attainment of higher light, or the conjuring of the dead…alka 2010

Download Vol. 3: http://www.archive.org/details/ca412_tsg
Download Vol. 2: http://www.archive.org/details/ca345_tsg
Download Vol. 1: http://www.archive.org/details/ca297_tsg
die Qualität der Stücke finde ich überdurchschnittlich. Im Vergleich mit anderen Sachen, die so im Netz kursieren, erste Sahne. Habe mir erst Teil 2 angehört, und da war meiner Meinung nach 80% gut bis hervorragend. Macht irgendwie Freude, dass es immer noch Leute gibt, die ähnlichen Geschmack haben, und auch das Zeug dazu.
ja, die Qualität ist schon recht gut - freut mich, das es dir gefällt.

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