27.10., Leipzig, Share. Open jam, not just for digirati

offene multimedia-performance & session ++ monatlich ++ Austauschforum für Performance-Künstler ++

Share is an open jam, not just for digirati, but for all new culture lovers. Participants bring their portable equipment, plug into our system, improvise on each others’ signal and perform live audio and video.
open jams and walk-in sets

This is the time and place to perform a piece of music you’ve written and hear it on a large sound system, improvise spontaneously with other participants, get feedback on your latest project or try out that new max patch/software setup.

Raum der Kulturen / Leipzig
DO 27.10.2011 / 9:00pm


  • Share-Web-hinten.jpg
    66,5 KB · Aufrufe: 46
Moin Orphu ...

.... Eintritt sollte / müßte frei sein . Zuschauer herzlich willkommen . :mrgreen:

