ADA8000 sendet nur auf 2 Outs

ja eigentlich müßte man es dem behringer um die ohren hauen
reverbhaubitze schrieb:
Man findet auch noch weiteres dazu. Also, ist kein Bug sondern Feature (in neueren ADA Version)

"...If you are using a newer ADA8000 unit in such an application and experience this phenomenon regarding the D/A output section, a workaround is to always make sure to send a low level audio signal to the ADA8000's D/A section, so that it never "goes to sleep". This constant audio signal could be anything you like - an open microphone channel, a recording of dither noise or "pink noise", the output of a test-tone generator software plugin, etc. - and may be at an extremely low level, so that it is indistinguishable from the regular background noise of the rest of your audio system..."


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