Gotharman Polyspaze: 4 voice poly hybrid synth/sampler

Sind interessante Sachen mit machbar mit dem PolySpatz :supi:, ist aber auch preislich "besonders" ;-)

Soundmäßig machbar ist damit wohl fast alles, was man in einem Hardwarepolysynth gerne hätte, mal abgesehen von der Beschränkung auf vier Stimmen.

Die Preise von Gotharman sind leider definitiv hoch, was mit Handarbeit in Dänemark und Kleinstserien wohl nicht anders machbar ist. Wenn man den Vergleich zum Analog 4 mkII zieht, ist das Preisniveau vergleichbar, zumal man ja noch einen Sampler hat. Die Vorbestellerpreise sind immerhin deutlich geringer. Und der Service ist wirklich sehr, sehr gut!
Übrigens: Weil hier immer nach einer Modulationsmatrix bei Synths geschaut wird, der Polyspaze ist wie alles aus dem Hause Gotharman ein wahres Modulationsmonster.
Neben FM und FilterFM (jeweils durch Oszillator 2) stehen folgende Modulationsquellen zur Verfügung:

Slo: Slow Oscillator 1. The low frequency output of Oscillator 1
Slo-: Inverted Slow Oscillator 1. The Inverted low frequency output of Oscillator 1
Aenv: The output of the VCA Envelope
Aenv-: The output of the VCA Envelope Inverted
Env: The output of ADSR Envelope 1
Env-: The output of ADSR Envelope 1 Inverted
LFO1: The output of LFO1
LFO1-: The output of LFO1 Inverted
LFO2: The output of LFO2
LFO2-: The output of LFO2 Inverted
LFO3: The output of LFO3
LFO3-: The output of LFO3 Inverted
LFO4: The output of LFO4
LFO4-: The output of LFO4 Inverted
Rnd1: The output of Random Generator 1
Rnd1-: The output of Random Generator 1 Inverted
Rnd2: The output of Random Generator 2
Rnd2-: The output of Random Generator 2 Inverted
Rnd3: The output of Random Generator 3
Rnd3-: The output of Random Generator 3 Inverted
Rnd4: The output of Random Generator 4
Rnd4-: The output of Random Generator 4 Inverted
Seq1: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 1
Seq1-: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 1 Inverted
Seq2: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 2
Seq2-: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 2 Inverted
Seq3: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 3
Seq3-: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 3 Inverted
Seq4: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 4
Seq4-: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 4 Inverted
Seq5: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 5
Seq5-: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 5 Inverted
Seq6: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 6
Seq6-: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 6 Inverted
Seq7: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 7
Seq7-: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 7 Inverted
Seq8: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 8
Seq8-: The output of Sequencer Controller Track 8 Inverted
CV1: The voltage apllied to CV Input 1
CV1-: The voltage apllied to CV Input 1 Inverted
CV2: The voltage apllied to CV Input 2
CV2-: The voltage apllied to CV Input 2 Inverted
CV3: The voltage apllied to CV Input 3
CV3-: The voltage apllied to CV Input 3 Inverted
CV4: The voltage apllied to CV Input 4
CV4-: The voltage apllied to CV Input 4 Inverted
Kybd: The last note number value received for the part
Kybd-: The last note number value received for the part Inverted
Velo: The last note velocity value received for the part
Velo-: The last note velocity value received for the part Inverted
Aft: The last mono aftertouch value received for the part
Aft-: The last mono aftertouch value received for the part Inverted
Bnd: The last pitch bend value received for the part
Bnd-: The last pitch bend value received for the part Inverted
K1C4: Edit knob 1 value or the last MIDI CC 4 value received for the part
K1C4-: Edit knob 1 value or the last MIDI CC 4 value received for the part Inverted
K2C5: Edit knob 2 value or the last MIDI CC 5 value received for the part
K2C5-: Edit knob 2 value or the last MIDI CC 5 value received for the part Inverted
K3C7: Edit knob 3 value or the last MIDI CC 7 value received for the part
K3C7-: Edit knob 3 value or the last MIDI CC 7 value received for the part Inverted
K4C8: Edit knob 4 value or the last MIDI CC 8 value received for the part
K4C8-: Edit knob 4 value or the last MIDI CC 8 value received for the part Inverted
TouY: Touch screen keyboard Y-axis position
TouY-: Touch screen keyboard Y-axis position Inverted
CC12: The last MIDI CC 12 value received for the part
CC12-: The last MIDI CC 12 value received for the part Inverted
CC13: The last MIDI CC 13 value received for the part
CC13-: The last MIDI CC 13 value received for the part Inverted
CC14: The last MIDI CC 14 value received for the part
CC14-: The last MIDI CC 14 value received for the part Inverted
CC15: The last MIDI CC 15 value received for the part
CC15-: The last MIDI CC 15 value received for the part Inverted
CC16: The last MIDI CC 16 value received for the part
CC16-: The last MIDI CC 16 value received for the part Inverted
CC17: The last MIDI CC 17 value received for the part
CC17-: The last MIDI CC 17 value received for the part Inverted
CC18: The last MIDI CC 18 value received for the part
CC18-: The last MIDI CC 18 value received for the part Inverted
CC19: The last MIDI CC 19 value received for the part
CC19-: The last MIDI CC 19 value received for the part Inverted
CC20: The last MIDI CC 20 value received for the part
CC20-: The last MIDI CC 20 value received for the part Inverted
CC21: The last MIDI CC 21 value received for the part
CC21-: The last MIDI CC 21 value received for the part Inverted
CC22: The last MIDI CC 22 value received for the part
CC22-: The last MIDI CC 22 value received for the part Inverted
CC23: The last MIDI CC 23 value received for the part
CC23-: The last MIDI CC 23 value received for the part Inverted
CC24: The last MIDI CC 24 value received for the part
CC24-: The last MIDI CC 24 value received for the part Inverted
CC25: The last MIDI CC 25 value received for the part
CC25-: The last MIDI CC 25 value received for the part Inverted
CC26: The last MIDI CC 26 value received for the part
CC26-: The last MIDI CC 26 value received for the part Inverted
CC27: The last MIDI CC 27 value received for the part
CC27-: The last MIDI CC 27 value received for the part Inverted
CC28: The last MIDI CC 28 value received for the part
CC28-: The last MIDI CC 28 value received for the part Inverted
CC29: The last MIDI CC 29 value received for the part
CC29-: The last MIDI CC 29 value received for the part Inverted
CC30: The last MIDI CC 30 value received for the part
CC30-: The last MIDI CC 30 value received for the part Inverted
CC31: The last MIDI CC 31 value received for the part
CC31-: The last MIDI CC 31 value received for the part Inverted
CC33: The last MIDI CC 33 value received for the part
CC33-: The last MIDI CC 33 value received for the part Inverted
CC34: The last MIDI CC 34 value received for the part
CC34-: The last MIDI CC 34 value received for the part Inverted
CC35: The last MIDI CC 35 value received for the part
CC35-: The last MIDI CC 35 value received for the part Inverted
CC36: The last MIDI CC 36 value received for the part
CC36-: The last MIDI CC 36 value received for the part Inverted
CC37: The last MIDI CC 37 value received for the part
CC37-: The last MIDI CC 37 value received for the part Inverted
CC38: The last MIDI CC 38 value received for the part
CC38-: The last MIDI CC 38 value received for the part Inverted
Env2: The output of Decay Envelope 2
Env2-: The output of Decay Envelope 2 Inverted
Trg1: The state of Trigger 1
Trg1-: The state of Trigger 1 Inverted
Trg2: The state of Trigger 2
Trg2-: The state of Trigger 2 Inverted
Trg3: The state of Trigger 3
Trg3-: The state of Trigger 3 Inverted
Trg4: The state of Trigger 4
Trg4-: The state of Trigger 4 Inverted
FULL: A maximum level source –Let’s you adust a parameter, using the modulation amount parameter.

FULL-: A minimum level source

Als Ziel kann man so ziemlich alles definieren. Und das bei einem Polysynth/Sampler mit analogen Filtern :welle:

Gibt gerade einen PolySpaze mkII bei Kleinanzeigen. Der fehlt mir ja noch in meiner Gotharman Sammlung, aber gerade ist nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt für so eine Anschaffung 😅

Hab mich auch gefragt ob man als LD3 Besitzer nicht schon Ähnliches machen kann. Sieht aber so aus als wäre der PolySpaze weniger komplex und somit noch schneller in der Bedienung und die analogen Filter bekommt man ja auch nur mit dem verrückten LD3 SpazeBoard Upgrade. Finde die Idee mit dem Filterbank Modus des PolySpaze auch cool.
Ui, es kam auf einmal doch der Zeitpunkt für so eine Anschaffung 😆 Da mir das andauernde Schwarz der Synthies aber etwas mißfällt*, habe ich mir ein farbiges Gehäuse dafür bestellen lassen von welchem mir Flemming ein Foto geschickt hat:


PolySpaze in der Dänemark Edition 🇩🇰 Hihi! Freue mich sehr das Ding bald mit dem Linnstrument spielen zu können!

* Da bin ich definitiv voll in der Minderheit, wurde mir gesagt, weswegen die neue SpazeDrum auch wieder schwarz und nicht blau oder andersfarbig ist.

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