Um noch spezifischer zu werden:"hot plug"triffts in meinem Fall nichtmal richtig.Ich schalte das Interface aus bevor ich das ausstöpsel und erst ein wenn ichs wieder dran habe (ist Bus powered).Macht das die Sache irgendwie"sicherer"?
Das hab ich grad von Texas Instruments gefunden,muss ich mir aber mal mit mehr Ruhe durch lesen
Aus dem TI Dokument hat jemand im Logic Forum dann diese Info extrahiert:
"Found some documentation by Texas Instruments that describes the issue in a bit more detail. (Link to the documentation at the end of this thread). It
SOUNDS like this won't create any problems in Logic, but it will may potentially cause damage to the physical ports, depending on the type of Firewire cable used. Can anybody back this info up?
From what I understand, potential damage can occur when hot-plugging 6-pin and 9-pin Firewire cables specifically, and it's a flaw in the way the connectors and receptacles are designed. Potential damage is higher in 6-pin connectors compared to 9-pin connectors.
6-pin Firewire cables can supply power, so they contain a ground connector which is required to make first connection, and last disconnection. To ensure this, the connector receptacles are designed with a ground connector that is roughly 15% longer than the other connectors.
Potential damage can occur if, for example, one manages to hot plug a 6-pin Firewire cable at an extreme angle because there's a chance that the ground connector will not make the connection first. Similarly, potential damage may occur if the ground connector is damaged or worn out.
To the end-user, a port damaged in this way will simply fail operate, and requires a replacement of the damaged connector/receptacle to fix. The document implies that there is no damage caused to the neighboring data connectors (So one could continue to use the port to transfer data after the damage has occurred, but it doesn't explicitly say this in the documentation).
It sounds like they improved things with the 9-pin connector/receptacle design to safeguard from this. Damage cannot occur when hot-plugging a 4-pin Firewire cables because they only contain data connectors. Also, devices that do not draw power from the Firewire cable also have reduced chance of damage.
Based on this, it
SOUNDS like it's ok for me to hot plug my external sound card if:
- I use a direct power source for my sound card (e.g. plug it into the wall) before connecting it to my Mac
- I plug in the 6-pin connector to my sound card first
- I plug in the Thunderbolt cable into my Mac last (which according to apple is safe to hot plug)"
Zum Schluss noch was von RME:
Das mag Euch (die Ihr hier gepostet habt) jetzt nicht weiter interessieren aber evtl isses ja für andere Nutzer von Wert, die technisch (z.B.was FW) betrifft ähnlich unversiert sind wie ich.