No sense of humour…DM vs Internet

But it is the same thing with AI Pictures. The result depends absolutely on your prompt, and the more refined it is the better results you get.
I am still missing the negatives prompts in audio AI.
That is my biggest Problem with suno.... you cannot write long prompts.

True, true.
YES! WE NEED NEGATIVE PROMPTS!! It's crazy to me that they haven't added that in either Suno or Udio!
You only mentioned Suno though, so is there a way to do that in Udio? * scratches head *

For the Depeche Mode Song: Taking an existing DM song, altering it ( what the maker of this video did ) and publishing it ( what he did with the video ) is a 100% safe wa to getting successfully sued.
Even in Udio he would not have ben allowed by their terms to upload the lyrics.
And, of course, with the original lyrics from DM having it sound like DM is an easy task.

Mmmhhh... Good points! I never myself tried putting in DM lyrics into Udio so I never tested to see if it would make a difference in how well it would affect the DM:ness. For me it would have overstepped the mark of what is acceptable morally.
True, true.
YES! WE NEED NEGATIVE PROMPTS!! It's crazy to me that they haven't added that in either Suno or Udio!
You only mentioned Suno though, so is there a way to do that in Udio? * scratches head *

Mmmhhh... Good points! I never myself tried putting in DM lyrics into Udio so I never tested to see if it would make a difference in how well it would affect the DM:ness. For me it would have overstepped the mark of what is acceptable morally.

I wrote in Suno the prompts are way too short ( in udio you have way more space ).
Negative prompts are missing in both.

taking DM lyrics, make something new with it and publish it is not only morally not acceptable, it is plain forbidden by copyright laws.
And punishable.
They can sue whoever made this´ pants off now.

That is the dangerous thing... a musician would know this, some kid that had never to do with music and rights has no clue what he is doing there.

Edit: here is the penalty for copyright infringement ( that is what he did )
The law provides a range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed. Infringer pays for all attorneys fees and court costs. The Court can issue an injunction to stop the infringing acts. The Court can impound the illegal works.

Copyrigted Depeche Mode Lyrics from well sold albums are more in the upper range i suppose.
And you bet that the Publishing Companies` Lawyers are all waiting for an exemplary case like this.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
That is the dangerous thing... a musician would know this, some kid that had never to do with music and rights has no clue what he is doing there.

Edit: here is the penalty for copyright infringement ( that is what he did )
The law provides a range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed. Infringer pays for all attorneys fees and court costs. The Court can issue an injunction to stop the infringing acts. The Court can impound the illegal works.

Copyrigted Depeche Mode Lyrics from well sold albums are more in the upper range i suppose.
And you bet that the Publishing Companies` Lawyers are all waiting for an exemplary case like this.

Yikes, I'm glad I never tried using DM lyrics then!
Had an interesting thing happen with this latest DM AI track. Udio kept on wanting to insert German lyrics into it!
If I let Udio "auto-generate" where it chooses everything: lyrics, which part of the song (verse, chorus, bridge etc) it would give me English lyrics.
However! If I chose custom bracket commands such as [Verse 1], [Chorus], [Build-up] etc it would switch to German!!!

In the end result, there are some spots where I can't really make out what he's singing and I'm pretty sure it must be German. Maybe you guys can say. (by the way this has never once happened before).

Also if it's of any interest, this song was a "child" of the original "Like a Mystery". So took a very small part of that song, excluded everything else and allowed Udio to generate a new song out of it, then removed the original "mother" bit later.

Ok… Mantel des Schweigens mal über den Text…. Der Song eher Durchschnitt… aber das Intro ist gut.
This Song is terrible :guckstdu:

Thanks for giving it a listen though! Was there any German btw? Specifically between 3:31 - 3:43... or was that just AI gibberish?

Ok… Mantel des Schweigens mal über den Text…. Der Song eher Durchschnitt… aber das Intro ist gut.

Yeah the lyrics are probably the worst ones out of all the songs I've done so far hehe. There is every conceivable corny AI word in there ugh! I now regret not making this song properly and putting some effort into generating better lyrics in ChatGPT. I didn't realize back then how catchy this song would become in the end. Maybe one of these days I need to redo it. Thanks for listening. And yeah I love the sinister and ominous beginning too!
Thanks for giving it a listen though! Was there any German btw? Specifically between 3:31 - 3:43... or was that just AI gibberish?
Sounds like AI gibberish.

Yeah the lyrics are probably the worst ones out of all the songs I've done so far hehe. There is every conceivable corny AI word in there ugh! I now regret not making this song properly and putting some effort into generating better lyrics in ChatGPT. I didn't realize back then how catchy this song would become in the end. Maybe one of these days I need to redo it. Thanks for listening. And yeah I love the sinister and ominous beginning too!
May I ask why you keep generating the same stuff? I mean... Ok, you shown what's possible, had the attention and it sparked a discussion. Mission accomplished. Or is it about clicks and likes? That is exactly what we should't do with AI: imitating the voice and style of other artists for our own benefit.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sounds like AI gibberish.

Ah ok, thanks for checking!

May I ask why you keep generating the same stuff? I mean... Ok, you shown what's possible, had the attention and it sparked a discussion. Mission accomplished. Or is it about clicks and likes? That would be exactly what we shouldn't do with AI. Imitating the voice and style of other artists and taking advantage of it.

In all simplicity: For me this is still just as fascinating as it was in the beginning. The first song was just to see if it could be done, but the next songs came from the both the curiosity to see what other kinds of songs AI could produce as well as genuinely enjoying the songs. I understand that for you they are terrible, but I actually enjoy them.

I would pose a similar question to you, that if you find my posts and the AI songs so unpleasant, why do you continue to respond to my posts in this thread? The word that comes to mind is "masochistic". I welcome your posts as it's always good to have different view points, but just curious as to why you'd torture yourself like this. :)
I would pose a similar question to you, that if you find my posts and the AI songs so unpleasant, why do you continue to respond to my posts in this thread? The word that comes to mind is "masochistic". I welcome your posts as it's always good to have different view points, but just curious as to why you'd torture yourself like this. :)
Masochism is nothing unusual. Neither is clickbait ;-)

I found the discussion interesting. That's why I read and wrote here. Your posts weren't unpleasant, I just questioned the intentions, because of reasons I already mentioned. Now that I have the answer, I don’t have to suffer anymore :)

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