Asche über mein Haupt! Ich habe nicht gleich bemerkt, das meine Liste mehr Lücken als Daten hatte. (habe wohl die falsche Datei benutzt)
Also nochmal und dieses Mal mit allen Angaben die auf der "Anspielliste" standen, die wir unseren Synthykurs-Kunden damals in die Hand drückten.
Kumpel Norbert ist damals seinen Plattenschrank (eher ein Plattenzimmer) durchgegangen und hatte folgende Alben notiert.
Es sind aber nicht nur rein elektronische Produktionen sondern fast noch mehr, bei denen Synthesizer eine wesentliche Rolle spielen.
* Absolute Elsewhere: In Search Of Ancient Gods (76)
* Alan Parsons Projekt: I Robot (76), Pyramid (78)
* Anderson,Jon: Olias Of Sunhillow (76)
* Artefact: I (EP) (79)
* Ashley,Robert: Automatic Writing (78)
* Ashra: New Age Of Earth (77), Blackouts (78), Corelations (79), Bel Aliance (80)
* Banco: I (75), As In A Last Supper (76)
* Banfi,Baffo: Ma Dolce Vita (79),
* Banks ,Anthony: A Curious Feeling (79)
* Baumann,Peter: Romance ?6 (76), Transharmonic Nights (79)
* Beaver,Paul: The Zodiac Cosmic Sounds (67)(1.Moog Anwendung)
* Beck,Jeff: Wired(76), Live With the J.Hammer Group(77), There & Back(80
* Bennet,Brian: Jouney Into Discoid Punk (78)
* Blake,Tim: Crystal Machine (78), New Jerusalem [79]
* Bock,Wolfgang: Cycles(80)
* Breant,Francois: Voyeur Extra Lucide(80)
* Bundt, Michael: Just Landed Cosmic Kid (77), Neon (79)
* Carlos,Walter-Wendy: Switched On Bach (68), The Well-Tempered Synthesizer (68), Clockwork Orange (72) (Nicht zu verwechseln mit dem gleichnamigen Soundtrack !), Sonic Seasonings (72), Switched-On-Bach II (73), By Request (75)
* Cecil,Malcolm/Margouleff,Robert: Tontos Expanding Head Band
* Chrome: Red Exposure(80)
* Clarke,Mick: Games(77)
* Clearlight: Symphony (75), Forever Blowing Bubbles (75), Visions (78),
* Cluster: Cluster (71), Cluster II (72), -> "Eno", Zuckerzeit (75), Sowieso (76), Großes Wasser (79)
* Collin,Tom: Full Circle (78)
* Colosseum II: Strange New Flesh (76), Electric Savage (77), Wardance (77)
* Corea,Anthony Armando"Chick": (Auswahl) Hymn Of The 7th Galaxy(73),
Le Leprechaun (75), No Mystery (76), The Mad Hatter (78)
* Curved Air: Phantasmorgia (72), Curved Air Live (75),
* Cybotron: Cybotron (78), Colossus (78),
* Danna, Michael: Elements(79), The Synthesized Expression Of Classical Pieces(80)
* Dauner,Wolfgang: Changes(79)
* Der Plan: Geri Reig(80)
* Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft: Ein Produkt der DAF(80), Die Kleinen und die Bösen(80)
* Deutsche Wertarbeit: I (81)
* Devo: Are We Not Men? (78), Duty Now For The Future (79),
* Deyen,Adalbert von: Sternzeit (78), Nordborg (79), Atmosphere(80)
* Duke,George: (Auswahl)The Aura will Prevail (75),Follow the Rainbow (78), From Me To You (78), Reach For It (79)
* Earthstar: French Skyline (79), Atomkraft-Nein Danke!(81)
* Eclipse: Night and Day
* Eela Craig: One Niter (76), Hats Of Glass (77), Missa Universalis (78)
* Eldorado (74), A New World Record (76), Out Of The Blue (77)
* Electric Feet: Moogie Woogie(79)
* Electric Light Orchestra: The Night The Light Went On...(73),
* Electric Overdrive: Overdrive(79)
* Emerson,Lake & Palmer: I (70), Tarkus (71), Pictures At An Exhibition (71), Trilogy (73), Welcome Back My Friends(live)(74), Works I & II (77), Love Beach(78), Live (79), Brain Salad Surgery (74)
* Eno & Robert Fripp: No Pussyfooting (73) , Evening Star (76), Cluster & Eno:Cluster & Eno (77), After The Beat (78)
* Eno, Brian, Peter George St.John Le Baptiste De La Salle: Here Come The Warm Jets (74), Taking Tiger Mountain (75), Another Green World (75), Before And After Science (78), Music For Films (78), Music For Airports (79),
* Eroc: I(75)
* Eschersheim, C.v. : Sommernachtstraum (80)
* Evans/Hanselmann: Stonehedge(80)
* FiaIka, Karel: Still Life (80)
* FM: Black Noise (79)
* Foxx,John: Metamatic(80)
* Fripp,Robert: 1984(80)
* Froese,Edgar: Aqua (74), In Malaysian Pale (76), Macula Transfer (76), Ages (78), Stuntman (79),
* Führs & Fröhling: Ammerland (78), Strings (79),
* Futura,Carlos: Sound Fantasy(76)
* Gadged,Fad: Fireside Favorites(PO)
* Ganymed: Takes You Higher
* Garrison,Michael:In The Region Of The Sunreturn(80)
* Genesis: Selling England By The Pound (74), The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (75), A Trick Of The Tail (76), Wind & Wuthering (76), Seconds Out(live)(77), And Then They Where Three (78)
* Giorgio: Aus! (75), From Here To Eternity (76), Knights In White Satin (78),
* Gleeson, Patrick: Beyond The Sun (78), Star Wars (el.Bearbeitung)(78), Rainbow Delta(80)
* Grancher,Phillip: 3000 Miles Away
* Greenslade,Dave: Cactus Choir (76), Pentateuch(80)
* Großkopf, Harald: Synthesist
* Hammer, Jan: Like Children (74), Yeah (75), The First Seven Days (75), Melodies (76), Hammer (78), Black Sheep (79),
* Hancock,Herbie: (Auswahl) Sextant (73), Thrust (74), Sunlight (76)
* Hankinson,Mike: The Classical Synthesizer
* Harmonia: Musik von Harmonia (74), De Luxe (75)
* Harrison Birdwistle: The Triumph Of Time
* Hawklords: I (79)
* Hawkwind: ... Space Ritual (73), Hall Of The Mountain Grill (74), Warrior On The Edge Of Time (75), Astounding Sounds,Amazing Musik (76)
* Heldon: I (77), Stand By (79), Interface,Iceland(80)
* Hillage,Steve: Fish Rising (75), "L" (76),Motivation Radio (77),Green (77), Live Herald (78),0pen (79)
* Hoenig,Michael: Departure from The Northern Wasteland (78),
* Human League: Reproduktion(79), Travelogue(80)
* Hydravion: I (79), Stratos Airlines(80)
* Jarré, Jean-Michel : Oxygene (77), Equinoxe (78),
* Karg, Jürgen: Elektronische Mythen(79)
* Kazdin/Shepard: Everything You Allways Wanted To Hear On The Moog (74)
* Kingdom Come(Arthur Brown): Galactic Zoo Dossier (71), Kingdom Come(72), Journey (78),
* Kitaro: Ten Kai(80)
* Kolonovits,Christian: Life IS Just A Carnival(76)
* Korgis: Dump Waiters(80)
* Kraft/Alexander: Tschaikovsky: 1812/Nussknacker Suite(77)
* Kraftwerk: Autobahn (74), Radio-Aktivität (75), Trans-Europa-Express (77), Die Mensch-Maschine (78)
* La Düsseldorf: I (76),Viva (78),
* Labat, Yves "Mr.Frog": Amphibean Stuff(72)
* Lear, Amanda: I Am A Photograph(77), Sweet Revenge(78), Never Trust A Pretty Face(79)
* Lilienthal: Lilienthal (78),
* Linden, Rick v.d.: Music Of Doom(80)
* Linden,Rick v.d.: GX 1 (78)
* Lloyd/Webber: Variations (77),
* Lord, Jon: Sarabande (76),
* Mackay,Duncan: Score (76),
* Magazine: Real Life(78), Secondhand Daylight(79), The Correct Use of Soap(80), Play(80)
* Magne,Michel: La Terre(79), Leau(80)
* Mahavishnu Orchestra: The Inner Mounting Flame (72), Birds Of Fire(73), Between Nothingness And Eternity(live,73), Apocalypse (74),
* Mandalaband: The Eye Of Wendor (78),
* Manfred Manns Earthband: Solar Fire (73), The Good Earth (74),Nightingales And Bombers (75), Roaring Silence (76), Watch (78),Angel Station (79)
* McLaine Explosion: Space Music Synthesizer(79)
* Moebius: I (80)
* Monkman,Francis: Energism(80)
* Moraz,Patrick: Story Of I (76), Out In The Sun (77), P.Moraz (78), Future Memories
* Moraz/Svrinx: Coexistence(81)
* Moroder, Giorgio: Moroder Musik, E=mc (79), Midnight Express(80)
* Musumarra/Gizzi: Automat(78)
* Mythos: Dreamlab(75), Strange Guys(79), Concrete City(80), Quasar(8o)
* Nektar: Recyled (75),
* Numan,Gary: The Pleasure Principle(80), Telekon(80)
* Orchestral Maneuvres In The Dark: I(80) , Organisation(80)
* Papathanasiou,Vangelis: Heaven & Hell (77), Albedo 0.39 (77), Spiral (77), Beauborg (78), La Fete Sauvage (78), China (79)
* Papathanasiou/Anderson: Short Stories(80)
* Pere Ubu: Modern Dance (78),Dub Housing (78), New Picnic Time (79), Art of Walking(81)
* Pinhas,Richard: Chronolyse, Rhisoshere
* Pink Floyd: Dark Side Of The Moon (75) , Wish You Where Here (75), Animals (77), The Wall (79),
* Pluta,Jürgen: Blanche(80)
* Popul Vuh: Affenstunde (71), In den Gärten Pharaos (72),
* Powell,Cozy: Over The Top(80)
* Powell,Roger: Airpocket(80)
* Pyrolator: Inland(80)
* Queen: Flash Gordon(8l)
* Rahn,Lutz: Solotrip (78),
* Refugee: I (74)
* Residents: Meet The R.(74), Third Reich RnRoll(77), Fingerprince(77), Not Available(78),Duck Stab/Buster&Glenn(78), Nibbles(79), Eskimo(79), Commercial Album(80)
* Return To Forever: Romantic Warrior (76), Musicmagic (77),
* Riechmann,Wolfgang: Wunderbar (78)
* Rivits: Multiplay(80)
* Rockets: I(77), On The Road Again(78), Plasteroid(79), Galaxy(80) Saga:I(78),Images Of Twilight(79), Silent Knight(80)
* Roxy Music: I (7l),Vivat (76)
* Rundgren,Todd: Utopia (74), A Wizzard,A True Star (75), Initiation (Seite 2!)
* Sangiuliano: Take 0ff(79)
* SBB: I (74), II (75), III (76), IV (77),(I - IV polnische Prod.!), SBB (76, Amiga !), Follow My Dream (78),
* SBB: Welcome(79), Slowenian Lady(80)
* Schoener,Eberhard: Destruction Of Harmony (74), The Book (77), Trance-Formation (77), Flashback From The New World (78), Video-Magic (79),
* Schroeder,Robert: Harmonic Ascendant(79), Floating Music(80)
* Schulze, Klaus: Irrlicht (72), Cyborg (73), Picture Music (74), Black Dance (74), Timewind (75), Moondawn (76), Body Love (77), Mirage (77), Body Love II (78), I (78), Dune (79), Live(80), Dig It(81)
* Seventh Wave: Shape Of Things To Come (74),
* SFF(Schicke,Führs,Fröhling): Symphonic Pictures (77), Sunburst (77), Ticket To Everywhere (79),
* Sherpenzel, Ton: Le Carneval des Animeaux(79)
* Sierra.Charlie Mike: On The Moon (78)
* Silicon Teens: Music For Parties(80)
* Simple Minds: Life In A Day(79), Real To Real Cacophony(79), Empires
* Slocum,Brad: Sonic Synsations (78)
* Snakefinger: Chewing Hides The Sound(80), GreenPostures(80)
* Space Art: I (78),Trip In The Center Head (78)
* Space: Magic Fly (77), Just Blue (78), Deliverance
* Space: Deeper Zone(80)
* Spacecraft: I (80)
* Spoerri, Bruno: Sound Of The UFOs (78), Voice Of Taurus (78)
* Spoerri,Bruno: Switched-On Switzerland
* Sterncombo Meißen: I(live)(77), Weißes Gold(78), Der weite Weg
* Supermax: Don't The Musik(77), World Of Today(78), Types Of Skin, Fly With Me
* Supersempf: Roboterwerke (79),
* Symphonie Slam: I (76),
* Synergy: Electronic Realisations For Rock Orchestra (75), Sequencer (76), Chords (78), Games (79),
* Tangerine Dream: Alpha Centauri (71), Zeit (72), Atem (73), Phaedra (74), Rubycon (75), Ricochet (75), Stratosfear (76), The Sorcerer(Soundtrack, 76), Encore (77), Cyclone, Force Majeure (79), Tangram(80), A Decade Of Dreams(81)
* The Who: Who’s Next (71), Quadrophenia (73),
* Tomita, Isao: Catastrophy 1999(Soundtrack)(74), Snowflakes Are Dancing (74), Pictures At An Exibition (75), Firebird (76), The Planets (76), Kosmos (Space Fantasy, 78), The Bermuda Triangle (79), Daphnis et Chloe (79)
* Tritonus: Between The Universe (76),
* Triumvirat: Illusions On A Doubble Dimple (74), Spartacus(75), Old Loves Die Hard (76),
* Tubeway Army: Replicas The Tubes: What Do You want From Live?(live)(78), Remote Control (79)
* Tuxedomoon: Half Mute(80)
* Tyndal, Nick: Sonnenlicht(80), Traumland(81)
* U.K.: I (78), Danger Money (79), Night After Night(live)(79),
* Ultravox: I(77), Ha!Ha!Ha?(77), Systems Of Romance(78), Vienna(80)
* Units: Digital Stimulation(8l)
* Universal Energy: I (76)
* Utopia: Ra (77)
* Val P.: Val Well(80)
* Vimal,Richard: Migration (79)
* Wagner,Adrian: Portrait (76), The Last Inca (78)
* Wahnfried,Richard: Time Actor (79)
* Waisvisz,Michael: Crackle
* Wakeman,Rick: The Six Wives Of Henry VIII. (73), Journey To The Center Of The Earth (74), The Myths And Legends Of King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table (75), White Rock (77), Criminal Record (77),
* Wavemaker: New Atlantis(76)
* Way, Daryl: Concerto For Electric Violin (79)
* Wayne,Jeff: The War Of The Worlds (78),
* Weather Report: Sweetnighter (73), Mysterious Traveler (74), Tale Spinnin'(75), Black Market (76), Heavy Weather 77), Mr.Gone (78),
* White ,Lenny: Venusian Summer(75) , The Adventures Of The Astral Pirats(77)
* White Noise: Electric Storm (74), Concerto For Synthesizer (75)
* Widemar, Benoit : Stress ,Tsunami
* Wurman,Hans: The Moog Strikes Bach (70),
* Yamashda, Stomu: Go (77),Go Too (78),
* Yello: Solid Pleasure(80)
* Yellow Magic Orchestra: I (79), Multiplies(80)
* Yes: Yessongs (live)(73), Tales From Topographic Oceans (74), Relayer (75), Going For The One (77), Tormato (78)
* You: Electric Day(80)
* Zanov: Moebius, Green Ray
* Zappa, FrankAuswahl) One Size Fits All (75), Zoot Allures (76), Zappa In New York(live)(76), Sheik Yerbouti (79)
* Zauner,Stefan: Prism & Views (77)
* Zed: Visions Of Dune(79), Some Death' Take Forever(80)
* Zeet Band: Moogie-Woogie (?)
* Zygoat: I (74)
Also nochmal und dieses Mal mit allen Angaben die auf der "Anspielliste" standen, die wir unseren Synthykurs-Kunden damals in die Hand drückten.
Kumpel Norbert ist damals seinen Plattenschrank (eher ein Plattenzimmer) durchgegangen und hatte folgende Alben notiert.
Es sind aber nicht nur rein elektronische Produktionen sondern fast noch mehr, bei denen Synthesizer eine wesentliche Rolle spielen.
* Absolute Elsewhere: In Search Of Ancient Gods (76)
* Alan Parsons Projekt: I Robot (76), Pyramid (78)
* Anderson,Jon: Olias Of Sunhillow (76)
* Artefact: I (EP) (79)
* Ashley,Robert: Automatic Writing (78)
* Ashra: New Age Of Earth (77), Blackouts (78), Corelations (79), Bel Aliance (80)
* Banco: I (75), As In A Last Supper (76)
* Banfi,Baffo: Ma Dolce Vita (79),
* Banks ,Anthony: A Curious Feeling (79)
* Baumann,Peter: Romance ?6 (76), Transharmonic Nights (79)
* Beaver,Paul: The Zodiac Cosmic Sounds (67)(1.Moog Anwendung)
* Beck,Jeff: Wired(76), Live With the J.Hammer Group(77), There & Back(80
* Bennet,Brian: Jouney Into Discoid Punk (78)
* Blake,Tim: Crystal Machine (78), New Jerusalem [79]
* Bock,Wolfgang: Cycles(80)
* Breant,Francois: Voyeur Extra Lucide(80)
* Bundt, Michael: Just Landed Cosmic Kid (77), Neon (79)
* Carlos,Walter-Wendy: Switched On Bach (68), The Well-Tempered Synthesizer (68), Clockwork Orange (72) (Nicht zu verwechseln mit dem gleichnamigen Soundtrack !), Sonic Seasonings (72), Switched-On-Bach II (73), By Request (75)
* Cecil,Malcolm/Margouleff,Robert: Tontos Expanding Head Band
* Chrome: Red Exposure(80)
* Clarke,Mick: Games(77)
* Clearlight: Symphony (75), Forever Blowing Bubbles (75), Visions (78),
* Cluster: Cluster (71), Cluster II (72), -> "Eno", Zuckerzeit (75), Sowieso (76), Großes Wasser (79)
* Collin,Tom: Full Circle (78)
* Colosseum II: Strange New Flesh (76), Electric Savage (77), Wardance (77)
* Corea,Anthony Armando"Chick": (Auswahl) Hymn Of The 7th Galaxy(73),
Le Leprechaun (75), No Mystery (76), The Mad Hatter (78)
* Curved Air: Phantasmorgia (72), Curved Air Live (75),
* Cybotron: Cybotron (78), Colossus (78),
* Danna, Michael: Elements(79), The Synthesized Expression Of Classical Pieces(80)
* Dauner,Wolfgang: Changes(79)
* Der Plan: Geri Reig(80)
* Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft: Ein Produkt der DAF(80), Die Kleinen und die Bösen(80)
* Deutsche Wertarbeit: I (81)
* Devo: Are We Not Men? (78), Duty Now For The Future (79),
* Deyen,Adalbert von: Sternzeit (78), Nordborg (79), Atmosphere(80)
* Duke,George: (Auswahl)The Aura will Prevail (75),Follow the Rainbow (78), From Me To You (78), Reach For It (79)
* Earthstar: French Skyline (79), Atomkraft-Nein Danke!(81)
* Eclipse: Night and Day
* Eela Craig: One Niter (76), Hats Of Glass (77), Missa Universalis (78)
* Eldorado (74), A New World Record (76), Out Of The Blue (77)
* Electric Feet: Moogie Woogie(79)
* Electric Light Orchestra: The Night The Light Went On...(73),
* Electric Overdrive: Overdrive(79)
* Emerson,Lake & Palmer: I (70), Tarkus (71), Pictures At An Exhibition (71), Trilogy (73), Welcome Back My Friends(live)(74), Works I & II (77), Love Beach(78), Live (79), Brain Salad Surgery (74)
* Eno & Robert Fripp: No Pussyfooting (73) , Evening Star (76), Cluster & Eno:Cluster & Eno (77), After The Beat (78)
* Eno, Brian, Peter George St.John Le Baptiste De La Salle: Here Come The Warm Jets (74), Taking Tiger Mountain (75), Another Green World (75), Before And After Science (78), Music For Films (78), Music For Airports (79),
* Eroc: I(75)
* Eschersheim, C.v. : Sommernachtstraum (80)
* Evans/Hanselmann: Stonehedge(80)
* FiaIka, Karel: Still Life (80)
* FM: Black Noise (79)
* Foxx,John: Metamatic(80)
* Fripp,Robert: 1984(80)
* Froese,Edgar: Aqua (74), In Malaysian Pale (76), Macula Transfer (76), Ages (78), Stuntman (79),
* Führs & Fröhling: Ammerland (78), Strings (79),
* Futura,Carlos: Sound Fantasy(76)
* Gadged,Fad: Fireside Favorites(PO)
* Ganymed: Takes You Higher
* Garrison,Michael:In The Region Of The Sunreturn(80)
* Genesis: Selling England By The Pound (74), The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (75), A Trick Of The Tail (76), Wind & Wuthering (76), Seconds Out(live)(77), And Then They Where Three (78)
* Giorgio: Aus! (75), From Here To Eternity (76), Knights In White Satin (78),
* Gleeson, Patrick: Beyond The Sun (78), Star Wars (el.Bearbeitung)(78), Rainbow Delta(80)
* Grancher,Phillip: 3000 Miles Away
* Greenslade,Dave: Cactus Choir (76), Pentateuch(80)
* Großkopf, Harald: Synthesist
* Hammer, Jan: Like Children (74), Yeah (75), The First Seven Days (75), Melodies (76), Hammer (78), Black Sheep (79),
* Hancock,Herbie: (Auswahl) Sextant (73), Thrust (74), Sunlight (76)
* Hankinson,Mike: The Classical Synthesizer
* Harmonia: Musik von Harmonia (74), De Luxe (75)
* Harrison Birdwistle: The Triumph Of Time
* Hawklords: I (79)
* Hawkwind: ... Space Ritual (73), Hall Of The Mountain Grill (74), Warrior On The Edge Of Time (75), Astounding Sounds,Amazing Musik (76)
* Heldon: I (77), Stand By (79), Interface,Iceland(80)
* Hillage,Steve: Fish Rising (75), "L" (76),Motivation Radio (77),Green (77), Live Herald (78),0pen (79)
* Hoenig,Michael: Departure from The Northern Wasteland (78),
* Human League: Reproduktion(79), Travelogue(80)
* Hydravion: I (79), Stratos Airlines(80)
* Jarré, Jean-Michel : Oxygene (77), Equinoxe (78),
* Karg, Jürgen: Elektronische Mythen(79)
* Kazdin/Shepard: Everything You Allways Wanted To Hear On The Moog (74)
* Kingdom Come(Arthur Brown): Galactic Zoo Dossier (71), Kingdom Come(72), Journey (78),
* Kitaro: Ten Kai(80)
* Kolonovits,Christian: Life IS Just A Carnival(76)
* Korgis: Dump Waiters(80)
* Kraft/Alexander: Tschaikovsky: 1812/Nussknacker Suite(77)
* Kraftwerk: Autobahn (74), Radio-Aktivität (75), Trans-Europa-Express (77), Die Mensch-Maschine (78)
* La Düsseldorf: I (76),Viva (78),
* Labat, Yves "Mr.Frog": Amphibean Stuff(72)
* Lear, Amanda: I Am A Photograph(77), Sweet Revenge(78), Never Trust A Pretty Face(79)
* Lilienthal: Lilienthal (78),
* Linden, Rick v.d.: Music Of Doom(80)
* Linden,Rick v.d.: GX 1 (78)
* Lloyd/Webber: Variations (77),
* Lord, Jon: Sarabande (76),
* Mackay,Duncan: Score (76),
* Magazine: Real Life(78), Secondhand Daylight(79), The Correct Use of Soap(80), Play(80)
* Magne,Michel: La Terre(79), Leau(80)
* Mahavishnu Orchestra: The Inner Mounting Flame (72), Birds Of Fire(73), Between Nothingness And Eternity(live,73), Apocalypse (74),
* Mandalaband: The Eye Of Wendor (78),
* Manfred Manns Earthband: Solar Fire (73), The Good Earth (74),Nightingales And Bombers (75), Roaring Silence (76), Watch (78),Angel Station (79)
* McLaine Explosion: Space Music Synthesizer(79)
* Moebius: I (80)
* Monkman,Francis: Energism(80)
* Moraz,Patrick: Story Of I (76), Out In The Sun (77), P.Moraz (78), Future Memories
* Moraz/Svrinx: Coexistence(81)
* Moroder, Giorgio: Moroder Musik, E=mc (79), Midnight Express(80)
* Musumarra/Gizzi: Automat(78)
* Mythos: Dreamlab(75), Strange Guys(79), Concrete City(80), Quasar(8o)
* Nektar: Recyled (75),
* Numan,Gary: The Pleasure Principle(80), Telekon(80)
* Orchestral Maneuvres In The Dark: I(80) , Organisation(80)
* Papathanasiou,Vangelis: Heaven & Hell (77), Albedo 0.39 (77), Spiral (77), Beauborg (78), La Fete Sauvage (78), China (79)
* Papathanasiou/Anderson: Short Stories(80)
* Pere Ubu: Modern Dance (78),Dub Housing (78), New Picnic Time (79), Art of Walking(81)
* Pinhas,Richard: Chronolyse, Rhisoshere
* Pink Floyd: Dark Side Of The Moon (75) , Wish You Where Here (75), Animals (77), The Wall (79),
* Pluta,Jürgen: Blanche(80)
* Popul Vuh: Affenstunde (71), In den Gärten Pharaos (72),
* Powell,Cozy: Over The Top(80)
* Powell,Roger: Airpocket(80)
* Pyrolator: Inland(80)
* Queen: Flash Gordon(8l)
* Rahn,Lutz: Solotrip (78),
* Refugee: I (74)
* Residents: Meet The R.(74), Third Reich RnRoll(77), Fingerprince(77), Not Available(78),Duck Stab/Buster&Glenn(78), Nibbles(79), Eskimo(79), Commercial Album(80)
* Return To Forever: Romantic Warrior (76), Musicmagic (77),
* Riechmann,Wolfgang: Wunderbar (78)
* Rivits: Multiplay(80)
* Rockets: I(77), On The Road Again(78), Plasteroid(79), Galaxy(80) Saga:I(78),Images Of Twilight(79), Silent Knight(80)
* Roxy Music: I (7l),Vivat (76)
* Rundgren,Todd: Utopia (74), A Wizzard,A True Star (75), Initiation (Seite 2!)
* Sangiuliano: Take 0ff(79)
* SBB: I (74), II (75), III (76), IV (77),(I - IV polnische Prod.!), SBB (76, Amiga !), Follow My Dream (78),
* SBB: Welcome(79), Slowenian Lady(80)
* Schoener,Eberhard: Destruction Of Harmony (74), The Book (77), Trance-Formation (77), Flashback From The New World (78), Video-Magic (79),
* Schroeder,Robert: Harmonic Ascendant(79), Floating Music(80)
* Schulze, Klaus: Irrlicht (72), Cyborg (73), Picture Music (74), Black Dance (74), Timewind (75), Moondawn (76), Body Love (77), Mirage (77), Body Love II (78), I (78), Dune (79), Live(80), Dig It(81)
* Seventh Wave: Shape Of Things To Come (74),
* SFF(Schicke,Führs,Fröhling): Symphonic Pictures (77), Sunburst (77), Ticket To Everywhere (79),
* Sherpenzel, Ton: Le Carneval des Animeaux(79)
* Sierra.Charlie Mike: On The Moon (78)
* Silicon Teens: Music For Parties(80)
* Simple Minds: Life In A Day(79), Real To Real Cacophony(79), Empires
* Slocum,Brad: Sonic Synsations (78)
* Snakefinger: Chewing Hides The Sound(80), GreenPostures(80)
* Space Art: I (78),Trip In The Center Head (78)
* Space: Magic Fly (77), Just Blue (78), Deliverance
* Space: Deeper Zone(80)
* Spacecraft: I (80)
* Spoerri, Bruno: Sound Of The UFOs (78), Voice Of Taurus (78)
* Spoerri,Bruno: Switched-On Switzerland
* Sterncombo Meißen: I(live)(77), Weißes Gold(78), Der weite Weg
* Supermax: Don't The Musik(77), World Of Today(78), Types Of Skin, Fly With Me
* Supersempf: Roboterwerke (79),
* Symphonie Slam: I (76),
* Synergy: Electronic Realisations For Rock Orchestra (75), Sequencer (76), Chords (78), Games (79),
* Tangerine Dream: Alpha Centauri (71), Zeit (72), Atem (73), Phaedra (74), Rubycon (75), Ricochet (75), Stratosfear (76), The Sorcerer(Soundtrack, 76), Encore (77), Cyclone, Force Majeure (79), Tangram(80), A Decade Of Dreams(81)
* The Who: Who’s Next (71), Quadrophenia (73),
* Tomita, Isao: Catastrophy 1999(Soundtrack)(74), Snowflakes Are Dancing (74), Pictures At An Exibition (75), Firebird (76), The Planets (76), Kosmos (Space Fantasy, 78), The Bermuda Triangle (79), Daphnis et Chloe (79)
* Tritonus: Between The Universe (76),
* Triumvirat: Illusions On A Doubble Dimple (74), Spartacus(75), Old Loves Die Hard (76),
* Tubeway Army: Replicas The Tubes: What Do You want From Live?(live)(78), Remote Control (79)
* Tuxedomoon: Half Mute(80)
* Tyndal, Nick: Sonnenlicht(80), Traumland(81)
* U.K.: I (78), Danger Money (79), Night After Night(live)(79),
* Ultravox: I(77), Ha!Ha!Ha?(77), Systems Of Romance(78), Vienna(80)
* Units: Digital Stimulation(8l)
* Universal Energy: I (76)
* Utopia: Ra (77)
* Val P.: Val Well(80)
* Vimal,Richard: Migration (79)
* Wagner,Adrian: Portrait (76), The Last Inca (78)
* Wahnfried,Richard: Time Actor (79)
* Waisvisz,Michael: Crackle
* Wakeman,Rick: The Six Wives Of Henry VIII. (73), Journey To The Center Of The Earth (74), The Myths And Legends Of King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table (75), White Rock (77), Criminal Record (77),
* Wavemaker: New Atlantis(76)
* Way, Daryl: Concerto For Electric Violin (79)
* Wayne,Jeff: The War Of The Worlds (78),
* Weather Report: Sweetnighter (73), Mysterious Traveler (74), Tale Spinnin'(75), Black Market (76), Heavy Weather 77), Mr.Gone (78),
* White ,Lenny: Venusian Summer(75) , The Adventures Of The Astral Pirats(77)
* White Noise: Electric Storm (74), Concerto For Synthesizer (75)
* Widemar, Benoit : Stress ,Tsunami
* Wurman,Hans: The Moog Strikes Bach (70),
* Yamashda, Stomu: Go (77),Go Too (78),
* Yello: Solid Pleasure(80)
* Yellow Magic Orchestra: I (79), Multiplies(80)
* Yes: Yessongs (live)(73), Tales From Topographic Oceans (74), Relayer (75), Going For The One (77), Tormato (78)
* You: Electric Day(80)
* Zanov: Moebius, Green Ray
* Zappa, FrankAuswahl) One Size Fits All (75), Zoot Allures (76), Zappa In New York(live)(76), Sheik Yerbouti (79)
* Zauner,Stefan: Prism & Views (77)
* Zed: Visions Of Dune(79), Some Death' Take Forever(80)
* Zeet Band: Moogie-Woogie (?)
* Zygoat: I (74)