JazzMutant – End of Lemur Controller

JazzMutant – Message. tell us, the Lemur and Dexter Multitouch-Screens are history from now on. no doubt a lot of people using iPads instead for a much lower price, maybe they could make Lemur as an app. hard to compete with a big company these days. Lemur ist heute zu Grabe getragen worden, naja. Welches Gerät ähnlich gebaut ist und billiger wissen wir ja.. Lemur ist Geschichte..

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Roger Linn Design – Tuning & Playing – New Musical Instrument Prototype

Reminds of a C-Thru Controller crossed with Eigenharp and Haken Audio Continuum. Has sonsors for pressure and position. Also quantizes the pitches. YouTube – Roger Linn Design – New Musical Instrument Prototype. looks familiar? all explained here http://www.rogerlinndesign.com/products/linnstrument/index.html looks a lot like the newer kind of (almost expensive) controllers these days. touch keys and ribbons like the eigenharp. but doesn’t mean to be such a bad idea, waiting for new „input devices“. me still waiting for a simple normal keyboard that allows the keys being a controller..?

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