Max For Live Melodic Step Sequencer

YouTube – Max For Live Melodic Step Sequencer. Cool nice Step Sequencer for the Launchpad incl longer Patterns. german info: Novation stellt melodischen Step Sequenzer für Launchpad vor Novation hat mit StepSeq ein kostenloses „Max For Live“-Patch vorgestellt, mit dem im Handumdrehen aus Novations neuem Controller Launchpad ein ausgewachsener melodischer Step-Sequenzer wird. Der leistungsstarke Sequenzer  macht es möglich, dass Launchpad-Anwender damit Melodien, Leads und Basslinien einfach und schnell in Live programmieren können. Die Tasten sind dabei diatonisch vorkonfiguriert (im Gegensatz zur sonst üblichen chromatischen Zuordnung in traditionellen Step-Sequenzern). Sowohl die Tonart…

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Lennon Luks MIDI Controller/Sequencer, the hallway session samples, Build Your Own Marimba, TrackTeam Audio Monomulator, Warp20, Build a Real

Lennon Luks writes: While I was earning my BS at Western Carolina University, one of the requirements was a Senior Design Project. For this project, I designed and constructed a MIDI controller/sequencer. I chose this as a project because I am a musician and I am very much interested in electronic music and electronic musical instruments/controllers. This project was ideal for me, as it allowed me to combine my passions for engineering and music. Lennon Luks MIDI Controller/Sequencer, the hallway session samples, Build Your Own Marimba, TrackTeam Audio Monomulator, Warp20

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Particle Synthesis with Tiction, Monome, Lemur – shaking crystal trees

Looks amd sounds like shaking a crystal tree – no xmas tree this time. via Richard Divine. Particle Synthesis with Tiction, Monome, Lemur on Vimeo on Vimeo related, structure lemur thing controlling absynth 5. looks like these points are envelope segments to pass through forming these shapes, more nice to watch, huh? Lemur Breakpoint Sequencer controlling Absynth-5 from Richard Devine on Vimeo.

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All hail to the max (4 live) – probability & real hard wired steps. Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaschinen.

Just because of THIS I really got happy today. a HUGE Thing if you do that kind of music that I do – but not just this. I always likes the „probability“ aspect of a step in a step sequencer, but all I could do was making Clavia G2 patches that come close but just for some steps 8 or 16. I need 128 ;) So, this may be a wonderful start for nice music. Remember? Talking about Probability? It was about Max but not the first time. I always…

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