XILS 4 Upgrade : 2x VCS3

The EMS Emulation XILS3 got an upgrade- and it is the first one to try things that a normal VCS3 / AKS can’t do . or to be honest – which may be possible but no one has this at home – a double VCS3 that has 12 OSCs 2 filters 4 envelope generators / with repeat – loop 5 LFOs (poly) 4 outputs some FX this is a nice FM monster .. so if you loved „The Klinik“ and those more classic early electronic guys like David Voorhaus.. the…

EMS Synthi being built: 40 pcs – EMS Synthi A + VCS3 werden gebaut

See Forum: Jetzt geht es los: EMS Synthi A + VCS3 werden gebaut. After many long delays we are now expecting to re-start production of the Synthi A and VCS3 at the end of this month.We only have enough of the original Synthi A cases for 40 units, and when theseare all used-up we intend to redesign this product. Inevitably it will changeinto something a bit different, but we have every intention of continuing with asimilar portable instrument.In contrast the wooden cabinets for the VCS3 can still be made and we…