New Videos from the Messe in the SynthDB / New in the DBase

There’s a lot of new Videos from the Musikmesse 2008 in the synthDB now..

also there’s one by Harmony Central on our booth (Synthesizer-Magazin)

Akai MPC5000

Akai MPC5000 synthesizer

(the new synth pages shown in the video)

Access VirusTIsnow

Access VirusTIsnow synthesizer

just a 3D turn to show how it looks like..

Clavia NordLead2xAnniversaryEdition

Clavia NordLead2xAnniversaryEdition synthesizer

the unveiling ceremony of the special limited edition.

Roland FantomG6, FantomG7, FantomG8

Roland FantomG6 FantomG7 FantomG8 synthesizer

walking around and see the huge display (and a reflection of the photographer) ;)

The MFB Kraftzwerg
-some more pics will be up soon. Here’s Florian Schneider of Kraftwerk and Dieter Doepfer just behind the Kraftzwerg and the MFB Modules (new analog VCO which is part of Kraftzwerg, too. Kraftzwerg? Thats power dwarf in english – this happened on our booth, so I felt free to take a photo..

Die Grafik

there’s a 78MB video incl the kraftzwerg, see prev. posts..

Moog MinimoogVoyagerOS, OldSchool

Moog MinimoogVoyagerOS OldSchool synthesizer

(kein video / no video, just new item in the synth DB).

so 8 new synths are in the synthDB now, including the Use Audio Plugiator

and the Rozzbox (no video up here so far)..

LL RozzboxOneV2 synthesizerLL RozzboxOneV2 (built 2008)
Digital Synthesizer + simple sequencer

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