Korg Z1, Prophecy, Oasys

KORG MOSS + OASYS SYNTHESIZER / sound card Korg Prophecy – Korg Z1 – Wavedrum PROPHECY / (Z1 scroll down) pic above: thanks to rob schweizer! this is one of the first synths,that had several OSC models on board.. and even feedbackable filters! VPM (FM), pm (physical models), sync, waveshaping,comb filters that alled to „morph“ from noise to some waveform etc.. lots of ENVs (4) and FILTERs!. and LFOs!! (went up to 40hz!) midi syncable. more to come.. interesting ARP’er! very cool: the ribbon/wheel combination allowed perfect control of the…

Yamaha FM-Synthesizer Generation/s

Yamaha FM synthesizers. for yamaha EX and vector series scroll down.. find editors for your FM synth here find a complete „how to make a bass with FM“ tutorial here / Tutorial für FM Bass Sounds hier.. Yamaha Synth overview.. FM SYNTH GENERATIONS DX-TG-SY-FS-PLG —- the fm synthesis HISTORY @ yamaha -1st generation DX series (80ies, a bit rough sounding 12bit converters): DX1,DX5, TX7, DX9, TX816 / TX216, DX21. FM SYNTHS first generation DX1, DX5 DX7 GS1/2 the gs1 and gs2 started it all with FM synthesis (simple „piano like“…

Synthesizer Patches

Moogulator – Patches & Sounds.Area- english deutsch Synthesizer Audio / Soundfiles & Patches these are sounds that I use in my own (ConseQuence or better MOOGULATOR)-Tracks.. Also find some audiodemos for q-rious people and patches for Synths etc..maybe you’ll find some of these in some conseQuence tracks / CDs :-) DOWNLOADAREA- for everything from Audio/mp3 Synthdemos to Synthesizerpatches etc.. please dont forget to switch off any SysEx filters/set SysEx to on and device ID = 0. Synthesizer Audio / Soundfiles & Patches viele von diesen Sounds benutze ich auch in…

WALDORF Ideas & things to remember Part 3 Soundprogramming

WALDORF… Ideas & things to remember Soundprogramming… how many voices can the microQ do and what about the DSP-power??.. go HERE! > > yesterday I tried to create a bunch of sounds (drones) that share the characteristics of being ‚airy‘. The german word ‚hauchend‘ might describe it quite well, though the similarly named preset is not really what I mean. I tried to use some noise as well as the wavetables with lots of higher harmonics – but it sounded to buzzy and to harsh to my ears. After some…

Waldorf Info – Things to remember Part 1 Basics

WALDORF… Ideas & things to remember Basics… how many DSPs are in the XT? One!!!!! IIRC they are the same type used in Kyma, correct? Nearly, the Kyma uses Motorola DSP56309 and we use DSP56303, the only difference is that the 56309 has more on-chip RAM than the 56303.Waldorf V2.0 Beta team in 1994 and coding was done by Andreas Busse and Stefan Stenzel. Stefan focussed much on the Wavetable loader then. The machine use to code V2.0 was named RESI ;-) it was done on a SAM68K system, and…

Akai MPC500

MPC-500 First Shots – Looks real to me!.. (via Music Thing) after the rumours it looks there is a new product, no idea if this is a rendering (is this an „elhardt“ again) and it is SMALL.. General Display: 2 x 16 character LCD w/back light Memory card slot:Compact Flash (The size of the compact flash card that MPC500 can handle is from32MB to 2GB) Dimensions: 266mm x 175mm x 44mm Weight: 1.34 kg Power requirement: 12v DC 600mA (negative tip) Battery life: Approximately 4.5 hours of continuous use with…

Moogulator Network changes

Moogulator.com and. de now fusion in information, where .de is more about my music and .com is the start site for all of my sites. Also synthesizers.de and sequencer.de both show the workshop menu (german only since the workshops are in germany, cologne) – removed the extra navigation – one for all. General Navigation change.. new bilangual navigation, choose your synth from the pulldown menu, avoid (D) marked sections, on the top left you can check all sections and there is always at least an english option.