Playlist Obskure Untergrundmusik zum Kennenlernen

Numina - Pearl (ft. Tara VanFlower) (2001)

Diese Version von 1984 ist m. E. besser als die Originalversion der selben Gruppe von 1982.

League Of Nations - Fade (1984)

Tommy De Chirico - Flower Into The Factory (1984/2009)

UV Pop - No Songs Tomorrow (1983/2012)

Bunker Strasse - My Own Way (1981/2014)

Asylum Party - Echoes and Lights (1989)

Pink Industry - What I Wouldn't Give (1985)

Ruth - Polaroïd/Roman/Photo (1985)

Mathématiques Modernes - Disco Rough (1981)

Kosmose - The Second Untitled Track (B.93.1) (2015)

Martin Roland - Arp Omni demo (2008)

Samantha Glass - Addicted to Sweating (2018)

Pye Corner Audio/Faten Kanaan - The Darkest Wave (2017)

Ca de Bestiar - El Arquitecto (2021)

Indice de Inviernos - Desde la fábrica (2018)

Vacio Negro - Delicate Immune System (2019)

Retrograde Youth - The Way of Escape (Grilla Alternative Mix) (2020)

The Product - Almost Afraid Of It (1983)

Sophie Du Palais - Les Autres Filles (2020)

Iro Aka - Будущее (Anatolian Weapons Remix) (2020)

Mental Minority - When we laugh it sounds like shadows (2014)

L'Avenir - Far Away (In Our Loneliness) (2021)

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