Order Of The Shadow Wolf



Nerdiges E-Zine von Danny Wolfers aka Legowelt.
Ausgabe eins, zwei, drei.

Welcome to the first issue of ORDER OF THE SHADOW WOLF, a cyberpunk e-zine
in true original text format. This is how e-zines looked before the dawn of
the internet in the 1980s and early 1990s. They were distributed via BBS's
(Bulletin Board Systems check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRap7uw9iWI
for a cool documentary on this subject with lots of hot guyz). People
would download these e-zines on their 300 baud modems and read them on
their monochrome green screens late at night. Difficult to imagine now
but doing this felt like the most exciting thing in the world, surrounded
by a mystique of hacker romanticism and being a cyberpunk pioneer. It
was a time when your mum and retarded jock cousin weren't on the internet,
even more hardcore...you were probably the only person in your whole town or
area logged into cyberspace!

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       SoCiEtIes ArCh NeMeSiS CyBeRpUnK E-ZiNe Issue #1 January 2014

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