K2000/K2vx/K2vp OS Version 3.87 Released late 1999.
New Features & Enhancements (since v3.54 - check our web site if you want to see the things added in v3.54 and previous versions):
1) SCSI Speed Improvements.
Now loads and saves approximately twice as fast as previous versions.
2) Export to standard MIDI Type 1.
Now the software can import and export both type 0 and type 1 MIDI files.
3) ISO 9660 format support:
Adds ISO 9660 format support for CD's. This allows you to read CD's in the standard format. Previously we required an "image" of the hard disk format.
ISO9660 support key points:
a) Backup, Copy, and Macro all support this new format.
b) The software supports CD-ROM XA (Mode 2) as well as CD-ROM (Mode 1)
c) The software supports multi-session CD's, but some older CD-ROM drives may not support multi-session. In this case you will only see the first session.
d) File naming conventions that work: ISO 9660 level 1, MS DOS, and Joliet.
e) Do not select "use Macintosh extensions" when making ISO 9660 CD's. It does not work with our system.
f) Do not select "append version numbers" when making ISO 9660 CD's.
g) The maximum "path-length" (total file name, including directory names and slashes) is 64 characters, which means that files in highly nested directories may not be loadable.
h) Unicode characters do not display correctly.
4) Supports looped WAV files, both import and export. Also correctly handles tuning of WAV and AIFF files.
Saving a WAV file will now export the loop info, if any. Importing a looped WAV file will now get the loop data, if any. The software only handles one loop per sample, so the first loop found in a WAV file is used. The tuning now works correctly.
5) Now reads 2500 programs. Previously the 2000 would ignore programs containing 2500 specific parameters. Now it translates them, stripping out any KDFX or other 2500 parameters.
6) Improved object save and delete times.
7) Improved sample delete times.
8) Bugs fixed:
a) Fixes problem where certain SCSI drives would be very slow.
b) Fixes "Keep" bug in song mode, where keep function would sometimes freeze.
c) Fixes local on/off problem over MIDI. Cakewalk and some other Sequencers send a MIDI local off message, which was being handled incorrectly.
d) Reverses the sense of the MIDI portamento time control (CC 5), to meet the MIDI spec.
e) Fixes a problem with certain Akai CD's where the samples have a playback rate set to zero.
A number of other bugs are fixed as well.
David Fox
Operational Technical Support