
British Polysynth – Modal 002 – coming 3.8k€-High-End-Synthesiser


 Modal 002 (built 2014) – Hybrid Synthesizer + modulation step sequencer

here’s the specs of Modal Electronics 002 which was previously called the Modulus 002 hybrid synth (digital OSCs, analog path after the OSCs)


12 voice – 2 OSCs with 50 digital Waves and Standards – expect the digital being something between PPG-style Wavaetables or something – nobody knows yet- bother OSC got SUBOSCs as well.

filters are 1-4pole filters of any type that you might expect

2 LFOs: one per voice, one global.

2 Envelopes

it has an animator (32 steps, 12 parameters for each step) plus arpeggiator and 32 step, 12 track sequencer.

€3750 – plus tax.


Modulus 002 Exclusive First Look

in detail the sequencer and animator – some sort of modulation sequencer for parameters work as this:

  • modulus.002 features a range of sequencing options, a built in 16 Track, 12 row, 32 step sequencer with 16 dedicated step time editing controls on the front panel and MIDI sync able. Sequences can be transposed dynamically while running. A very highly featured arpeggiator with a wide range of different modes, including modulus ‚hold‘ mode, enabling mini arpeggiator sequences to be created. Arpeggios can be saved as sequences for latter recall and editing in the sequencer
  • The modulus Animator, which enables any control parameter on the modulus.002 to be sequenced, enabling very complex filter transitions, wave form changes and modulation matrix changes to be sequenced (copied from here since the manufacturer does not post things other than to sonic state at this time)

update: new image:

Paul Maddox is envolved and he is known for his Monowave synth (basically a  of a 1 voice Microwave-inspired wavetable synth) – it looked like this (3 of them):
Modulus Monowave synthesizer
there is an blurred image up :  it does tell us some knobs are there but hard to tell from this what structure it might offer – .. they say it is hybrid so we might expect something Prophet 12’ish with wavetables. could be almost everything – but it must have analog filters and digital oscs for the mentioned „hybrid“ leak – a standard size with 5 octaves.. guess yourself…
and the tea outlet will be present at 5:00 clock .. love!  nice demos up at the official site / which needs scrolling to show something..

nd that PWM sound demo sounds pretty nice.

das hier wird ein hybrider Synthesizer mit analogen Filtern werden, aber viel mehr ist nicht bekannt, da Paul Maddox bekannt für Wavetables ist, könnte er diese dort integriert haben. Aber niemand weiss wirklich etwas – also schauen wir mal was der Modulus 002 ist -> Modulus 002 – New British Polysynth

SRC: New British Polysynth On The Way, modulus .002 teaser site appeared ..

here’s their page with some pcb shot and keep calm ;)

modulus 002IMG_7491

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