Peter Vogel App – Fairlight App renamed …

the well known Fairlight App has been renamed to PETER VOGEL APP. Although that name isn’t that well known, it is if you are a real synth nerd. But it seems a lot there have been some lawyers visiting Peter? it’s sad too see such things, but the app is still there – FAIRLIGHT APP renamed to peter vogel app – images Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen more Fairlight now Peter Vogel app… Das Rechte und Namenskarrusell dreht sich: Fairlight App heißt nun Peter Vogel. (Der Name des bekannten Verantwortlichen Genies hinter…

Fairlight with knobs – didn’t sell (those days)

here you’ll find a synth called Qasar M8,  made in 1978. never seen that one – and looks like it was to pricey to be released or sold, so the well known computer had to come and it was sooo cheap, remember the price? so – this one must be „§$%& unaffordable. Deviant Synth – Analogue Heaven is poison. We are the antidote. XD » What came before the Fairlight?.

Fairlight Vintage – Musik und Technik 1983 + Lost in Music 1997

Fairlight CMI Schoener 1983 – Part 2 ist ein Ausschnitt aus einer alten Senderreihe über Synthesizer im Stile von Mathe-Telekollegs, also ein wenig steif. Leider gibt es die Sendung nicht mehr irgendwo zu sehen. Der Fairlight war aber öfter dabei und Herr Schoener auch. Wer kennt „Musik und Technik“ (1983)? Wem das zu staubig ist.. kann sich 3 Folgen Lost in Music anhören, hier kommen Uwe Schmidt „Atom Heart“ (Senior Coconut), Oval, Aphex Twin, Air Liquide und andere zu Wort. Die Videos sind hier verlinkt: Electronic Jam ARTE 1996 deutsch und französische…

Namm Show 2011 – New Fairlight Demos

Namm Show 2011 – Fairlight New. nice long demo – very sympathic demo to a possibly well known italian face, thanks guys fo sharing it.. listen to some very well known sounds in here as well. here’s the waveforms in „3D“, a piano classic sound and more – just to enjoy the old times… wonder why the big „CRT“ style and the old menu style but sure this re-creates what we know about this – nice to have this as a software, in’nt? 100 will be made, based on HP…

Fairlight Instruments – The next generation also for iPad?

Fairlight Instruments – The next generation. as you can see here, Peter Vogel really did it. A recreation of the Fairlight Computer. Since it is not as slow as the original I assume it is much more fun to use. But very retro design. Thats for nerds for sure. The most interesting (for me) is – there will be an App for iPad  – stay tuned, to be sure it is a recreation look at this – and did you note the iPod as a Keyboard on the right side..…