Monome Modular – White Whale Step Sequencer

modular | monome. is a newer initiative from the guys who invented the matrix button controller before launchpad and push were even made – you got one Module and the Monome Controller – the knob on the module can be used to record values and automate them – there is quite a large number of patterns that can be adressed (64) and can control 2 CVs with one module – lots of standard chase light / TR type sequencer features are in like looping a pattern etc.

and it’s called prohabilistic so it may do what it says.. to set steps that may tend to trigger at a percentage XX..

the $280 Module (you need a Monome Controller as well) looks like this:


im Forum dazu Monome white whale (modular)

2 cv out, 4 trig out – 1 knob for automation record, one for the clock

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