Sonicstate Top20 #2-20

Episode 6 + 7 #2. is the Arp Odyssey #3 Prophet 5 #4 DX7 #5 M1 guess the Minimoog, that will hit no.1?.. Model D or V’ger? Model D! 

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EM Termine #2 Planetarium Livegigs

Manikin Records & Schallwende proudly presents: Broekhuis, Keller & Schönwälder „hands on“ Klaus Schulze The ultimate Klaus Schulze birthday party! saturday, 4th August 2007, 19:30h Bochum, Zeiss Planetarium, Castroper Str. 67, 44791 Bochum, Germany (Doors open at 19h) The 4th August 2007 will see Klaus Schulzes 60th birthday. This is the best date to celebrate his birthday with an outstanding concert. Broekhuis, Keller and Schönwälder will play a two hours show with sequences from Klaus Schulze („Crystal Lake“, „König Ludwig II von Bayern“ etc.). Before the concerts starts you can…

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