PDAgold.com : Phoenix Studio Review

I know I already posted about phoenix .. but imo it is very nice .. for pcoket pc users and mobile phones PDAgold.com :: Article :: Phoenix Studio Review
phoenix pda synth
phoenix pda sequencer

for pdas – a bit like a minimal rebirth with the below features.. has piano roll editor / key editor and simple sound generators (4 + drums) – samples – für PDAs und Handies gibts eine art Rebirth namens Phoenix
hat mehrere Steps, ähnelt eine Piano Roll im „key Editor“ Stil und hat eine einfache KLangerzeugung, simple, quasi 303plus ;) und Samples (WAV)
2 OSCs (pulse,saw,noise,tri,sine,),ringmod, LPF/HPF filter, AD ENV, filter resonance, 3 synth-parts, 12xdrums (samples, WAV)
random mode, 8 takte (measure), flam mode

it’s from

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