What AnAlOg synth are you? – Quizilla

I took the testlink at matrix and seems I am an andromeda too, cool – means I own myself .. What AnAlOg synth are you? – Quizilla

You are a Alesis Andromeda A6!
You do it all! Everyone loves you and you have the
ability to mold yourself into any genre. People
can recognize your unique voice from miles away
and come running towards it. EVEN HOT CHICKS
WANNA TOUCH YOU! Unfourtunately, you are so
wonderful, that you are almost unabtainable.
YOur value is very high and not many people can
afford to take you home. Getting to know an
Alesis and getting to take one home is like
bieng able to have a romantic relationship with
someone as divine as jesus.

What AnAlOg synth are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

(D) mach doch mal den Brigitte Synthesizer – Typ Test (hier müsste ein „gay smilie“ rein).. und?

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