Arpeggio von Tangible Instruments

changeling schrieb:
Er scheint ja bezüglich Projektmanagement alles falsch gemacht zu haben, was man falsch machen kann.
Mich wundert es, dass diese schlechte Projektleitung nicht schon vor dem Kickstarter-Ende zum Vorschein kam.
Denn der Auftritt auf Kickstarter war - wie ich finde - gelungen.
Schade, dass es bisher so einen Verlauf genommen hat!
Ich denke, man sollte denen dennoch ne Chance lassen...
So ein Produkt zur Marktreife führen ist sicherlich keine einfache Sache, vor allem wenn es das erste Mal ist.
Ich finde es super, dass der Macher dieses Hardware-Arpeggiators trotz aller Widrigkeiten dran geblieben ist.
Hier gibt es jetzt zwo Videos vom aktuellen Stand ("Midi-Output & Sequencing").

"We have two videos today. The first video is a fun little synth jam which demonstrates MIDI output. It also shows some newly working firmware functionality including live transposing up and down of the playing sequence both to a different key and by whole octaves."

"In the next video you can see more advanced sequencing firmware features working including adding notes and rests to the sequence, adjusting the input octave of the 12-note keyboard, adjusting the tempo of the sequence, and transposing."
Stepped der Sync-Eingang Einzelschritte (also wie der SH-01a) oder will das Teil regelmäßige sechzehntel oder sowas?
Stepped der Sync-Eingang Einzelschritte (also wie der SH-01a) oder will das Teil regelmäßige sechzehntel oder sowas?

Hmmm, weiß nicht.
Auf der Webseite steht zum Thema Sync Folgendes:
"Sync it up to external clock sources for integration with drum machines, samplers, iOS devices and computers.
  • Note division sequencer (1/16th, 1/8th, 1/4th, 1/2, and whole notes)
  • Sync in/out for syncing to analog gear Ability to control external hardware and software synths"

Update Nr. 65 (siehe Video einen Post drüber)

5. Okt 2018

Early October Firmware Status

Quick Song Composition
The first part of the video below gives a quick demonstration of how to compose songs on the fly using Arpeggio. An empty sequence bank is select and then chords played on the Casio are sent as MIDI note data to Arpeggio to create a new sequence. Then the process is repeated.

Synth Patch Switching, Reading, & Writing.
In the next part of the video below you can see internal synth patch switching, reading, & writing is now working. When Arpeggio powers on, patch values for 8 patches are read from the SD card and loaded into memory. Cycling through the synth patches is achieved by turning the voice knob. Synth patches are then altered over MIDI and can then be saved to the SD card by pushing down on the voice knob button.
Update Nr. 73

28. Juni 2019

Injection Molding + Silkscreen / Pad Printing
This month we received some pictures from our injection molding partner of the injection molded parts with the Silkscreen printing. There was a bit of a delay with these for two reasons: First, the grey area ("T" transpose indicator near the bottom left) could not be printed because it would have cause a reject rate that was too high so it had to be redesigned. Below is the new design of this area. Second, part of the case where the printing goes (where the arpeggio logo, attack, shape, porta, voice is printed) is slightly curved. Because of this the silkscreen method of printing could not be used and our injection molding partner had to find one of their partners who could use a method called pad printing which allows for printing on curved surfaces. Below you can see the results. As you can see the thickness of the text is different in different areas, so they are still fine tuning this process for our case.


Circuit Board
Our injection molding partner has also requested some slight modifications to the circuit board in order to make everything fit together better. This includes slightly moving a few screw holes and rounding the corners. Rounding the corners will also aid in the final assembly process. Our electrical engineer has made these changes and we have ordered a new board to be sent to the injection molding company. Below you can see the difference between the old and new design.
Old design on the left, new design on the right.
Old design on the left, new design on the right.
4 1/2 Jahre später und immer noch nichts ausgeliefert? :achso: Hammer.
Wundert mich, dass du immer noch so tapfer dabei bist und regelmäßig nachschaust, ob es irgendwelche Fortschritte gibt.

Allerdings muss man doch mal ganz ehrlich sagen, vier Jahre später: vielleicht wäre da ein Keystep doch einfach die bessere Lösung.
4 1/2 Jahre später und immer noch nichts ausgeliefert? :achso: Hammer.
Wundert mich, dass du immer noch so tapfer dabei bist und regelmäßig nachschaust, ob es irgendwelche Fortschritte gibt.

Allerdings muss man doch mal ganz ehrlich sagen, vier Jahre später: vielleicht wäre da ein Keystep doch einfach die bessere Lösung.

Hehe, ja, ist auf jeden Fall ein Hammer und wie ich finde auch ein seltenes Beispiel dafür, wie es doch gehen kann.
Ich glaube, die meisten hätten an der Stelle vom Tangible Instruments-Macher schon aufgegeben (oder es halt ggf. in kürzerer Zeit durchgezogen).
Habe es halt damals "gekickstarted", weil es ja schon "fast fertig" wirkte (die haben einen Prototypen auch auf der Messe vorgestellt) und jetzt kriege ich noch immer alle paar Wochen ne Mail mit nem Projektupdate :)
Ich versuche es halt eher witzig und als ein interessantes Real-Life-Startup-Projekt zu sehen, anstatt mich drüber aufzuregen (bringt ja auch nix, die Rechtslage beim Kickstarten ist klar - es ist im Grunde eine Spekulation, an der man sich beteiligt. Gibt keine Garantie).

Nen Keystep hab ich nun schon, ja ;-)
Gibt wieder News, das Ende ist nahe :)

Arpeggio is Coming
"Throughout this project we have made and overcome multiple obstacles and mistakes. There was money spent paying people who could not deliver what they promised. There was time lost due to inaction and indecision, and a failure to weigh the value of time spent versus money spent. We once wasted many months trying to save a couple thousand dollars on electrical engineering when in retrospect those months of time were much more valuable than the potential savings.

It’s important however to view these missteps in perspective. No project like this is finished without mistakes along the way. Additionally, we have developed a product for relatively little capital. This would have likely cost a large company hundreds of thousands of dollars, and for that I am proud.

Another mistake we made was underestimating the amount of money needed to complete the project. Even without the loss of money spent for services not delivered, the capital raised through this crowdfunding was not enough to complete both the engineering and manufacturing portions of the project. Despite this we pushed forward, completed the development, and paid for the injection molding tooling with the faith that we would be able raise money through a loan to finance the manufacturing when we were ready to move to that stage of the project. Arpeggio is now ready to manufacture.

At the beginning of this year we had planned to get a small business loan and begin shipping Arpeggio by the summer. Then two things happened: First, the pandemic hit and our manufacturing partners in Wuhan and Shenzhen had to temporarily shut down. Bank loans were also suspended for everything non-pandemic relief related. Second, I suffered a personal injury that left me bedridden for the better part of the past three months, unable to get much work done.

Our manufacturing partners are now back at full capacity, I am mostly recovered from my injuries, and we are beginning the process of acquiring a loan to complete the manufacturing. We hope to begin shipping units to backers as soon as we can. If not by the summer then by the fall. We thank you for your continued patience."
Er wurde in den Kommentaren Folgendes gefragt:
"How large a loan are you seeking to fund the manufacture?"
Seine Antwort:
"Approximately $70k. Keep in mind this is to manufacture 1000 units, of which the first 450 or so will go to backers."

Also kostet es ca. 70$ pro Stück, wenn er in China 1000 Stück herstellen lässt?
Übrigens, vor 10 Tagen war das fünfjährige Kickstarter-Jubiläum: am 1. Nov. 2015 wurde das "Projekt erfolgreich finanziert - 460 Unterstützer haben 94.713 $ beigetragen"
Update Nr. 80 ?

"The new prototypes we discussed in our previous update have arrived. So far they, and the newly sourced components mentioned are working great! Below you can see some pictures.

Acknowledging that it has been several years since the launch of this project, the decision has been made to upgrade the main processor. The bad news is that this requires porting the low level firmware code to the new processor. The good news is that this processor is already on the new boards and the code porting is already about 95% complete. The beauty of the ST Microelectronics STM32 development platform is that chips with the same pin count are pin compatible. This means that making this change required zero updates to the schematics or circuit board layout.

For those interested in the technical details, Arpeggio is moving from an 84MHz STM32F401RCT6 with 256KB of flash storage and 64KB of RAM to a 216MHz STM32F722RET6 with 512KB of flash storage and 256KB of RAM. This increase in processing power, flash storage, and RAM means that Arpeggio will have the ability to support more new advanced features for many years in the future!"

Jetzt wird es Ernst… 😊 Update #86

„This week we're excited to share that assembly for Arpeggio is officially underway! Below are some photos of the progress so far. In the coming days, we'll be emailing out a survey to all backers. This will be your chance to update your shipping information on Kickstarter so we know where to send your unit, or update your payment details if you'd prefer a refund.

We expect to start shipping units in November once the packaging arrives, while refunds will be processed sometime next year. Please keep an eye out for the survey and make sure to respond—we want to ensure we have your most up-to-date info to get your Arpeggio safely to you!“
