Logic Pro X

Der Drummer-Helfer, div. neue Plugins, darunter so ein Retrosynth-Teil und eine insgesamt bessere Oberfläche, außerdem eine Pitch Korrektur a la Melodyne. Mehr Füllungen und Details.
Also insgesamt zum "loslegen".
Du hast doch auch iPad,oder?Ich finde die iPad remote Integration noch spannend.Dazu gibts ne kostenlose app im store.Neben den obligatorischen Mixer,Transportund Pluginfernbedienungen lassen sich die Instrumente mit verschiedenen Multitouchgesten steuern,ähnlich Garbage Band auf dem iPad.

dazu noch Midi Plugins,Smart controls,Track stacks....garnicht so schwer rauszufinden,das alles ;-)

Phil999 schrieb:
merci. Kann man etwas zu der besseren Oberfläche noch sagen? Ich finde diejenige von Logic 9 gar nicht schlecht.

ich hab kein LgX im Einsatz, aber schau die mal die Videos an, da kann man ganz gut sehen, wie das jetzt sortiert ist. Ich finde das sieht deutlich logischer aus.

Ja, korrekt- Midi Pluigins im Sinne von Arp'er , Stepsequencer, und die LFOs und ENVs die man da andocken kann, das ist in der Tat interessant!
Don't worry....Marke 'Eigenbau' hilft hier weiter. Wem 32bit Plugins in LX fehlen (Instruments & FX) kann sich hierüber behelfen/ Mac/Win:

OSX - Zuerst JBridge laden und alle VST !! Plugins (VST Ordner) die man möchte in 64bit konvertieren:


Dann im Meta Plugin laden (OSX-AU Instr. und auchMidi gesteuerter Effekt möglich) und das entsprechende Instrument (und FX) dort laden und verbinden (So wie im Audio/Midi Setup mit den Käbelchen)......Spaß haben ....


Kosten....... 40,-€ für beide Plugins. Kann man beide über Demo's testen. Funktioniert hier einwandfrei

Nein, kann es nach wie vor nicht, deshalb schrieb ich ja auch VST Ordner! :rofl: Die meisten Plugs installieren ja auch ihre VST Versionen in Logic. Die konvertierst du dann bzw. deine Auswahl dort und die lädst du dann normal im Meta Plugin.
Genial einfach :lol:

Ja, so in etwa. Ich weiß nicht ob ich dich gerade richtig verstehe.....VST kann Logic auch immer noch nicht-ausschließlich AU weiterhin, richtig. Aber wie gesagt werden ja beim installieren von Plugins auch die VST Versionen in 'nem extra Ordner installiert (wenn du z.B. Windows auf'm Mac laufen hast kommt das zum tragen...)
Einzig das Meta Plugin macht's möglich die mit JBridge in 64bit konvertierten VST Plugins auch in Logic zu benutzen. Dies Plugin wäre praktisch die von dir angesprochene 'VST-AU Bridge' sozusagen. Versuch's doch einfach mal mit den Demo Versionen-no Problem. Rennt auch bei anderen 'Kollegen'.

tom f schrieb:
und läuft nur ab dem 10.8.4 (aber das ist ja so eine standard apple-politik, oder?)

Du kannst es mit 'nem Trick auch in Lion (10.7.5) laden:

Funktioniert auch tadellos mit 10.7.5. Ich habe noch 'n altes White Book (early 2008), da ist ja bei Lion Schluß. Habe mir von meinem 10.8 System Logic kopiert, geändert und dann über 'nen Stick in Lion auf's alten Book kopiert. Zusätzlichen Content geladen und gut :mac:

Hab den Sprung ins kalte Wasser gewagt und bin extra wegen LX von Snow Leo auf Mountain Lion umgestiegen,Logic x war einfach zu reizvoll.Auch wenn ich von ML nicht unbedingt angetan bin so bin ichs aber definitiv von Logic.Nein,die erfinden das Rad nicht neu aber dafür das ich überhaupt nicht mehr mit Fortschritt gerechnet habe bin ich sehr angetan.Der Workflow wurde an allen Ecken und Enden verbessert,es läuft SEHR stabil (hab das System mit ML komplett neu aufgesetzt)und ich empfinde es auch flotter als die alte Vesion.Also,Logic 8.Logic 9 hat mch nie gereizt,das hab ich ausgelassen.

Ich hab natürlich noch nicht alles getestet (Flex und Vari Pitch blablub z.B.)aber ich bin aufjedenfall zufrieden.Die Smart control finde ich sehr geil wenn man sich das einmal eingerichtet hat und die iPad Integration ist mehr als nur ne bloße Zugabe.Imo beste Controller Software mit LX zusammen.

Das gehate im Gearslutz Forum (hab den Fehler gemacht mich durch den Thread zu wühlen um die Kaufentscheidung zu erleichtern...oder auch nicht)kann ich überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen.Ja,es sieht nicht nach Intensivstation aus sondern hat sich 2-3 "Spiel"Sachen von Garageband geborgt (gut wie ich finde).Echt nur Idioten da unterwegs...

Schlecht finde ich das sie die alten Instrumente keinem Facelifting unterzogen habe ,wenn ich Ultrabeat sehe kriege ich immer noch Brechreiz.
Stability and Reliability
Includes various stability and reliability improvements, including, but not limited to:
Logic Pro X should no longer quit unexpectedly when:
Resizing a movie window while in full screen mode.
Opening a Text Style window in the Score Editor.
While making adjustments in the EXS Editor.
Inserting notes in the Step Editor.
Going back a large number of steps in the Undo History.
Double-clicking the Drummer button in the Add New Track dialog.
Selecting all audio files in the Bin and then using the Copy/Convert command to relocate and convert them to another format.
Clicking an Apple Loop in the browser while another loop was playing back in the project.
Exporting a video with a cycle region active in the project.
Changing the Slope parameter in the Space Designer plug-in while using very long synthetic impulse responses.
Resolves an issue in which Logic Pro X might consume an unexpectedly large amount of CPU power while downloading content.
The Capture Last Take key command no longer erases a MIDI recording.
Improved CPU performance with audio plug-ins.
Fixes and issue in which changing the bypass state of a plug-in while Logic Pro was playing caused a CPU spike that might lead to an overload message.
Fixes an issue in which starting playback of the Ultrabeat sequencer could cause CPU spikes.
Using the Eraser tool to delete large numbers of notes in the Piano Roll no longer causes a long delay.
Improved CPU performance with MIDI plug-ins.
Fixes an issue in which playing notes into the Arpeggiator might lead to CPU overloads.
Includes various fixes to improve performance in Full Screen mode.
Specific Zoom and Snap functions in the Piano Roll now behave as expected when using a graphic tablet input device.
The Apogee Control Panel is again accessible in Logic Pro X when using an Apogee Duet connected via Firewire.
Flex Editing
All tracks in a phase-locked edit group now remain in phase after using the "Reset all Flex Edits" command.
The "Set to Neutral Position" command is now correctly applied to all regions in a phase-locked edit group.
Tracks in a phase-locked edit group which have been flex edited now remain phase locked after changing a project's tempo.
Improved formant preservation when shifting notes up or down by several semitones with Flex Pitch.
Track Stacks
Fixes an issue in which changing patches on a track that was soloed would cause any other soloed track stacks to become un-soloed.
Arming and disarming the main track in a Track Stack now reliably affects all sub-tracks that are part of the same group.
Changing the font for Numbers & Names and then subsequently changing the font for another Text style no longer causes the second edit to be incorrectly applied to the Numbers & Names style.
Note heads now display as expected in the Note Attributes window when using Sigler Jazz or Swing fonts.
The Score preference previously labeled "Auto split notes in multi staff chord styles" is now labeled "Auto split notes in polyphonic staff styles.".
Tablature for 5-string banjo now displays correctly.
The Staff Style window now behaves as expected when Link mode was disabled.
Resolves an issue in which the text header and footer in Score were incorrectly positioned when printing or saving to PDF.
Fixes an issue in which the window focus unexpectedly jumped to the wrong area when editing a Staff Style with Link mode on.
Resolves an issue in the Score Editor in which it was possible to sometimes inadvertently select multiple notes when clicking on one note.
Fixes an issue in which the Fills and Swing knobs in the Drummer Editor were accessible in cases where no region was selected.
Double-clicking on a Drummer region now opens or closes the editor.
Patch merging now works with Drummer patches.
Drummer regions are now created properly in songs with a start position before 1 1 1 1.
The movie inspector now shows the correct move when two songs with movies are open at the same time.
Resolves an issue in which some supported movie files did not play in Logic Pro X.
Improves the chase behavior of movies when repositioning regions.
Movies containing a timecode track are now properly clipped to match an active cycle zone when exported from Logic Pro X.
User Interface
Resolves several issues in which Logic Pro X might display the wrong cursor.
The cursor now displays the correct tools when it is placed between transient markers while working in Flex Time mode within a Take folder.
Resolves an issue in which objects in the Environment window might snap much too far to the right when moved.
Increased window sizing flexibility when using Logic on portable computers.
Resolves an issue in which sliders in various preference windows had no effect until they were released.
Addresses a graphic issue in which the Piano Roll Editor could display an empty window.
Right-clicking in the Piano Roll now correctly brings up the Tool menu when the "Right Mouse Button: Opens Tool Menu" preference is set.
When a region color is changed, the color in the Step Editor now immediately updates as expected.
Resolves an issue in which the Playhead might not appear if an editor in the Main window is opened, closed, and then opened again.
Fixes an issue in which the Key Commands window might become inaccessible after entering and then leaving full screen mode.
Resolves an issue in which selecting a note in the Piano Roll might cause the visible area to jump to notes below the selected note.
The insert guideline now appears at the correct position when clicking with the Pencil tool when working with Flex Pitch in the Audio Editor.
The screen now redraws as expected when using the Select Next Event and Select Previous Event key commands in the Event List editor.
It is again possible to open plug-in windows while recording.
Fixes an issue in which AU plug-in names might incorrectly display as 4-character IDs in the mixer insert slot on systems running in Russian or Czech.
The LCD now properly displays minor song keys.
Fixes an issue in which it might not be possible to set the Mixer window to use all the vertical space on a display.
Resolves an issue in which the transparent overlay when dragging a region might not be visible in cases where the visible area is scrolled by dragging past the edge of the screen.
Fixes a screen redraw issue when the Edit > Move > To Selected Track command was used.
It is now easier to reveal the Toolbar by dragging down with the mouse cursor.
Clicking the Q button in an editor now correctly applies the Local Inspector setting instead of the setting in the Region Inspector.
Fixes an issue in which click-holding on a region might cause it to improperly shift slightly when Alignment Guides were active.
The "Limit Dragging to One Direction" setting now works as expected in the Piano Roll editor.
Undo commands work as expected after Flex Pitch editing.
Improves the reliability of of the Velocity tool in the Piano Roll when editing multiple notes at one time.
Resolves an issue in which the wrong sequence was sometimes pasted when using the Paste Sequence command in the Ultrabeat sequencer.
Fixes an issue in which Arrangement Markers could not be edited if the Marker track was protected.
Changing a stereo track patch to a mono patch now properly sets the channel strip input to mono.
Resolves an issue in which double-clicking in the MIDI Draw editor did not create an automation point if there were no existing automation points in the region.
Resolves an issue in which the "Export/Move active Comp to New Track" command created a track stack.
Region track assignments are now properly maintained when merging folders in the Main window.
It is again possible to copy/paste data between takes within the same MIDI take folder.
The region play button in the Piano Roll now works reliably when working with MIDI takes.
Fixes an issue in which enabling the Protect button for any track disabled volume and pan adjustments for all tracks in the project.
Resolves an issue in which the Velocity setting in the Track Inspector might cause all notes to output with a velocity of 127.
Resolves an issue in which MIDI note off events might not be sent resulting in stuck notes when a large number of MIDI events were being processed in a short time.
Option-dragging a region to copy it in a project with a song start before 1 1 1 1 now works as expected.
Resolves an issue in which the snap setting was not reliably used when dragging regions with Alignment Guides visible in the Main window.
It is again possible to change the length of a loop in the Tracks area at small vertical zoom settings.
When multiple channels in the Mixer are selected, double-clicking on a fader's value no longer causes the faders to move unexpectedly.
Resolves an issue in which pressing Enter to confirm text entry into the Mixer Track Notes caused the Playhead to jump back to the song start.
Fixes an issue in which using the Return key to confirm renaming a channel in the Mixer caused Logic to enter Play mode.
Resolves an issue in which the Piano Roll editor might be unexpectedly displayed if an audio region was selected and its position was outside the active cycle zone.
A track's audio waveform display no longer changes when its Match Groove Track checkbox is toggled.
When multiple new tracks are created at once, all the new channels are now selected in the Mixer.
In songs created in GarageBand, changing the name of a channel on the Mixer now updates the corresponding track in the main window and vice versa.
Fixes an issue in which tracks that were muted in GarageBand Mobile songs were turned off when opened in Logic Pro X instead of muted.
Audio and Plug-ins
Changing the level or mute status of an Aux used as a submix no longer improperly changes the level or mute of an Aux set as a send destination from the same source channel strip.
Resolves an issue in which key click on the Vintage B3 Organ got softer at higher sample rates.
Fixes an issue in which the Rotor Cabinet in the Vintage B3 Organ got louder at higher sample rates.
Resolves an issue in which notes might hang when playing the Pedal manual of the Vintage B3 Organ with a sustain setting greater than 100 ms.
Fixes an issue in which Continuous Controller messages sent from a Roland VK77 controller might be sent to the wrong Manual in the Vintage B3 Organ.
The Vintage B3 Organ Upper Morph slider now updates properly when changing presets.
The Vintage Electric Piano plug-in now performs correctly at all sample rates.
The Adaptive Limiter Output Ceiling control again works correctly when Inter Sample Peak Detection is not enabled.
Resolves an issue in which the Gain meter did not reliably go back to "0db" when the Inter Sample Peak Detection checkbox was enabled.
Fixes an issue in which there might be an unexpected audio tail when un-bypassing a Software Instrument.

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