Looper & Overdubs

Hi Leute,
mal ne Frage: Gibt es einen Looper/Sampler bei dem die Overdubs länger als der "Basis Loop" sein kann?
Ich hab (wohl zu doof) nix gefunden.


Ich hab meinen Boomerang Phrase III jetzt schon eine weile nicht mehr benutzt, aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, der kann das:

6. “Loop Play Style” There are 4 Play Styles on the Boomerang III. The behavior of each is described in detail in Section 7.

Serial Loops
play one at a time. This is great when you have a loop for the verse of a song, one for chorus, and one for the bridge. Loops are recorded, played or stacked one at a time. If a loop is playing and another is selected, the first plays to its end and stops; the second loop plays immediately leaving no gap. Your loops can be played in any order you wish.

This Play Style is similar to Serial except Loop 3 is the “master loop” and can play along with Loops 1, 2 & 4, which are “slave” loops. This allows you to create a short rhythmic loop to play along with the other melodic loops. For example, if Loop 2 and Master Loop 3 are playing together, and Loop 1 is tapped, Loop 2 plays to its end and stops. Loop 1 plays immediately, and Master Loop 3 continues to play throughout. Our recommendation is to record a short master, about 1 or 2 measures.

This Play Style is similar to Serial-Sync, but all loops can play at once! For example, if Loop 2 and Master Loop 3 are playing together, and Loop 1 is tapped, Loop 1 will play when Master Loop 3 restarts. Now Loops 1, 2 & 3 are synced.

All 4 loops can play simultaneously and they are totally independent. Each loop is recorded, stacked, played & stopped without regard for what the other loops are doing. With 4 long loops playing and drifting freely.

Ich hab meinen Boomerang Phrase III jetzt schon eine weile nicht mehr benutzt, aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, der kann das:

6. “Loop Play Style” There are 4 Play Styles on the Boomerang III. The behavior of each is described in detail in Section 7.

Serial Loops
play one at a time. This is great when you have a loop for the verse of a song, one for chorus, and one for the bridge. Loops are recorded, played or stacked one at a time. If a loop is playing and another is selected, the first plays to its end and stops; the second loop plays immediately leaving no gap. Your loops can be played in any order you wish.

This Play Style is similar to Serial except Loop 3 is the “master loop” and can play along with Loops 1, 2 & 4, which are “slave” loops. This allows you to create a short rhythmic loop to play along with the other melodic loops. For example, if Loop 2 and Master Loop 3 are playing together, and Loop 1 is tapped, Loop 2 plays to its end and stops. Loop 1 plays immediately, and Master Loop 3 continues to play throughout. Our recommendation is to record a short master, about 1 or 2 measures.

This Play Style is similar to Serial-Sync, but all loops can play at once! For example, if Loop 2 and Master Loop 3 are playing together, and Loop 1 is tapped, Loop 1 will play when Master Loop 3 restarts. Now Loops 1, 2 & 3 are synced.

All 4 loops can play simultaneously and they are totally independent. Each loop is recorded, stacked, played & stopped without regard for what the other loops are doing. With 4 long loops playing and drifting freely.

Danke, aber das können andere auch - nur das genau suche ich halt nicht. Es geht um Overdubs nicht um "verschiedene" loops.
Ich hab meinen Boomerang Phrase III jetzt schon eine weile nicht mehr benutzt, aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, der kann das:

6. “Loop Play Style” There are 4 Play Styles on the Boomerang III. The behavior of each is described in detail in Section 7.

Serial Loops
play one at a time. This is great when you have a loop for the verse of a song, one for chorus, and one for the bridge. Loops are recorded, played or stacked one at a time. If a loop is playing and another is selected, the first plays to its end and stops; the second loop plays immediately leaving no gap. Your loops can be played in any order you wish.

This Play Style is similar to Serial except Loop 3 is the “master loop” and can play along with Loops 1, 2 & 4, which are “slave” loops. This allows you to create a short rhythmic loop to play along with the other melodic loops. For example, if Loop 2 and Master Loop 3 are playing together, and Loop 1 is tapped, Loop 2 plays to its end and stops. Loop 1 plays immediately, and Master Loop 3 continues to play throughout. Our recommendation is to record a short master, about 1 or 2 measures.

This Play Style is similar to Serial-Sync, but all loops can play at once! For example, if Loop 2 and Master Loop 3 are playing together, and Loop 1 is tapped, Loop 1 will play when Master Loop 3 restarts. Now Loops 1, 2 & 3 are synced.

All 4 loops can play simultaneously and they are totally independent. Each loop is recorded, stacked, played & stopped without regard for what the other loops are doing. With 4 long loops playing and drifting freely.


Den Boomerang hab ich gerade vorgestern entdeckt und finde das Teil interessant.

Hab bei meinen Recherchen gelesen das das Teil bei den Looppunkten hin und wieder knacken soll? Welche Erfahrungen hast du gemacht?

Und hast du das Teil aus Übersee geordert oder gabs in Europe ein Händler?

Falls du das Teil, mangels Gebrauch, los werden willst, ich hätte evtl Interesse.
Den Boomerang hab ich gerade vorgestern entdeckt und finde das Teil interessant.

Hab bei meinen Recherchen gelesen das das Teil bei den Looppunkten hin und wieder knacken soll? Welche Erfahrungen hast du gemacht?

Und hast du das Teil aus Übersee geordert oder gabs in Europe ein Händler?

Falls du das Teil, mangels Gebrauch, los werden willst, ich hätte evtl Interesse.

Das mit den Looppunktenknacken war irgendwann mal früher glaube ich. Ich hatte jedenfalls keine Probleme damit. Hab jetzt im Handbuch den Part gefunden, wo man die Attackzeit einstellt:

Stack & Droning – light 0, Stack - The Stack function can add sound to a loop in two different ways. Stack behaves as described in Sections 10.1 & 11.1 whether the Stack option is on or off. With the Stack optional behavior turned off, 2 short (10 millisecond) volume ramps are added to the loop at its boundary. This is the point where the loop’s end is joined to its beginning. This is done to avoid clicks and pops that can occur when loops start over. But if you want to record a smooth, continuous note or chord, like an organ, the volume dip can be heard. It’s not a pop or a click, but it is noticeable. Simply turn on the Stack optional behavior. Doing this removes the volume ramps added during stacking.

Gekauft hab ich glaub hier: https://www.loopersparadise.de/de/index.php?p=317

Mein behalte ich noch, da ich keinen Looper kenne, der synchron zur MIDI Clock läuft und so easy mit Füssen zu bedienen ist. Die Taster und das Konzept ist schon klasse. Hatte damals zwischen Pigtronix, EHX und dem hier die Wahl getroffen.
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