Arturia iSEM – Oberheim SEM polyphonic Synth for iOs

Arturia launches the well known simulation of the Oberheim SEM, which is available as a Plugin for iPads. it is polyphonically playable and a modulation matrix. and programmer that lets you control each voices at once – so you can have different sound settings – .. app. 9€ Arturia bringt nun die als Plugin gut bekannte Emulation des Oberheim SEM als iOS App mit Sequencer in den Appstore. Er ist polyphon und hat eine Modulationsmatrix, außerdem einen „Programmer“, bei dem die verschiedenen Stimmen voneinander abweichen können, um typische 2/4/8Voice Sounds zu…

Arturia Origin Modular 1.4 adds SEM filters and FX bus/routes

Arturia Origin Modular Synthesizer  gets another update which now has a Oberheim SEM Filter option now (known from Arturias SEM V PlugIn) – of course you can seamlessly „morph“ from lpf to hpf (via notch) and use the BPF alternatively. also it has 2 new insert FX on board. (so it’s 6 fx busses: per channel, 2 aux and 2 master ones). also there’s an addition to the tonewheel organ mode. after the big run on the minimoog V with no other functions than the original has as a free download…

instant sample-to-synthesizer Reaktor Ensemble Skanner (free) algorithmicalizes samples

you need to register, but it’s free. this is a synth, that samples a sounds (looks like it is sort of algorithmically?) so you can say it instantly samples any sound and „converts“ it into something playable without being a real audio sample actually. sounds strange? the last time I heard about things like this was, when Technos Acxel Digital Synthesizer  was released – but does not look exactly like it – don’t know what „they“ have used (Stefan Schmitt, the founder of NI programmed it).  – so maybe try it out .. SKANNER  ok,…

Loomer Aspect – Semi-Modular Synth

A Nord Lead 3 inspired Soft Synth with LED-Look for Mac and PC with 3 ENVs, LFOs, 2 Filters and 2 OSCs is up for checking, there’s 4 audio demos that sound quite nice – not revolutionary but good. why software should remind of hardware? I don’t know. but maybe it’s simply helpful like a remix of a well known song. well – me impression from those demos: straight gritty basic sound. the clearness the clearness the clearness. I seem to like it. well, but just from the audio. at…