
Yosemite updates to 10.10.1 / iOS to 8.1.1 – both well recommended – sollte man installieren!

Since Yosemite wasn’t perfect on WLAN speed and iOS 8.XX needed some tweaks – now / today there’s both and I‘ recommend to install both – it’s about reliance on and with everything over „the air“. It has fixed a little start-problem with Safari on my Mac Pro, while the MBP has been ok before – but both feel a lot faster when it’s about things on the internet (WLAN/Wifi) – so they finally found the bugs. ios is just a bit fast on older devices – which is welcome.…

Mac OS X und Viren? Yosemite im Jahre 2014 / Was ist KEXT + was tunHalteverbots-Schild beim booten in OS X auftaucht?

So, nun ist OS X 10.10 Yosemite bereit und funktioniert zuverlässig. Dazu sind Macs heute doch mehrfach anzufinden, besonders bei Musikern. Mit Yosemite und alten Macs empfehle ich allerdings die Grafikkarte zu checken, die unter OS X 10.10 deutlich mehr beansprucht wird. Die alte GeForce 120 im 2009er Mac Pro ist die unterste erlaubte Kante, aber macht nicht wirklich Spaß, weshalb ich hier eine Radeon HD5850 (die beste/schnellste) oder eine HD5770 empfehlen würde. Beide liegen bei gut 150€ – wer mehr will, gibt erheblich mehr Geld aus und kann nicht…

16.10. Apple Event October 2014 Retina iMac/iPads Air 2 + Mini 3/Mac MIni/Yosemite d’l today

Apple rolls out another keynote & event <– the link to the live stream what we get: new iMac Retina, Mac Mini (long long awaited), iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 are here! – also: ios 8.1 coming next week, Yosemite OS X 10.10 for download today! Retina-iMac Neuer Mac mini iPad Air 2 iPad mini 3 – OS X 10.10 Yosemite coming / to be announced / free download – TODAY! – new iPads Air 2 /A8X processor? Yes! it’s in! – it’s 18% thinner – 6.1mm, 8MP cam,…

Apple WWDC: Snow.den Mavericks OS X 10.10 Yosemite – iOS 8

Ok, Apple did a keynote – WWDC 2014 … updates coming up here as now and after the keynote – news for musicians? well – see this growing.. OS X 10.10 Snow.den Mavericks – no.. it’s -> Syrah -> Yosemite or something … iOS 8 plus X (no1 really knows yet but within 1 hour) it’s final name is OS X Yosemite – a wonderful park (been there, it’s cool) new flat design: dark mode is in as well. (that’s for me) – all translucent and more iOS-like and thinner fonts. but…

Glitchmachines – Quadrant – Aalto inspired semimodular?

Glitchmachines‘ Quadrant (renamed from „Scope„). has a lot of being inspired by Madrona Labs Mod-Concept – trying to make a simple structure effective as hell. so this time it is a moog-coast (not buchla/serge west coast thing) – having 2×2 FM OSCs – stop – isn’t fm again more the other coast stuff? you are not getting what I try to tell? right – let’s forget about this categories-stuff – in fact it has a lot of things in common with Aalto but tries to be more FM and less…