Petition to Apple: Please allow the app „Orphion“ to keep using its „articulation gesture“ API

I had some fun playing Orphion dynamically –
Since it is one of the rare velocity-touch plus a special gesture – when using the thumb the sound changes to something „louder“ – and this is what Apple doesn’t like. But since it is nice to have it on stage (did some jams with it) and updat will KILL this feature – here is a Petition to Apple Inc.: Please allow the app „Orphion“ to keep using its „articulation gesture“ API

already signed. are you with me?


UPDATE: you can now update to the latest version and tap on the version number (twice) to activate the gesture again – but still please sign the petition.

man kann inzwischen im Menü die Versionsnummer doppelt antippen und wird dann gefragt, ob man die Funktion zurück haben will und bekommt sie auch, dennoch läuft die Petition weiter..

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