Neues Album "Between the meantime"

Joerg Dankert

Joerg Dankert

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mein neues Album ist fertig und wurde am 30. Juli bei Bandcamp veröffentlicht. "Between the meantime"

Da es das erste Album seit meiner Verleihung des Schallwelle-Preises ist, bin ich sehr gespannt, ob und wie es ankommen wird.

Hier ein paar Worte zum Album:

In einem Moment bist du glücklich, in der nächsten Sekunde bist du traurig wegen der Nachricht. Es gibt Tage, da ist alles in Ordnung und dann holt einen die Corona-Realität ein. Es gibt Phasen, in denen es fast wieder zur Normalität – dem Leben – zurückkehrt, nur um plötzlich wieder verrückt zu werden.

Die Klänge, die Stimmungen, die Musik und die Songs auf diesem Album spiegeln etwas davon wider. Es gibt keinen Zeitplan oder thematischen Rahmen, sondern Musik, die zwischen November letzten Jahres und Juni dieses Jahres entstanden ist.

Deshalb gibt es keine Songtitel, sondern einzelne Teile, die aufeinander folgen. Angesichts der Ereignisse und Situationen fehlen mir einfach ab und zu die Worte.

Wie immer wurde alles von mir komponiert, unter Cubase Artist 12 aufgenommen, gemischt und gemastert. Das Cover ist auch von mir. Alle Instrumente und Effekte stammen von Steinberg (Halion, Padshop, Retrologue). Außerdem verwendet: Valhalla Supermassive, Blackhole und die Quadra von Cherry Audio.

Alles Liebe,

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my new album is complete and was released at Bandcamp on July 30th. "Between the meantime"
Since it’s the first album since I was awarded the Schallwelle Prize, I’m very nervous about whether and how it will be received.
Here are a few words about the album:
Between the meantime
One moment you’re happy, the next second you’re sad because of the news. There are days when everything is fine and then the reality of Corona catches up with you. There are phases when things almost go back to normal - life - only to suddenly go insane again.
The sounds, the moods, the music and the songs on this album reflect some of that. There is no timetable or a thematic framework, but music that was created between November last year and June this year.
That’s why there are no song titles, but individual parts that follow one another. In view of the events and situations, I simply fail the words from time to time.
As always, everything was composed by me, recorded under Cubase Artist 12, mixed and mastered. The cover is also mine. All instruments and effects are from Steinberg (Halion, Padshop, Retrologue). Also used: Valhalla Supermassive, Blackhole and the Quadra from Cherry Audio.
Love from,
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

my new album is complete and was released at Bandcamp on July 30th. "Between the meantime"

Since it’s the first album since I was awarded the Schallwelle Prize, I’m very nervous about whether and how it will be received.

Here are a few words about the album:

Between the meantime

One moment you’re happy, the next second you’re sad because of the news. There are days when everything is fine and then the reality of Corona catches up with you. There are phases when things almost go back to normal - life - only to suddenly go insane again.

The sounds, the moods, the music and the songs on this album reflect some of that. There is no timetable or a thematic framework, but music that was created between November last year and June this year.

That’s why there are no song titles, but individual parts that follow one another. In view of the events and situations, I simply fail the words from time to time.

As always, everything was composed by me, recorded under Cubase Artist 12, mixed and mastered. The cover is also mine. All instruments and effects are from Steinberg (Halion, Padshop, Retrologue). Also used: Valhalla Supermassive, Blackhole and the Quadra from Cherry Audio.

Love from,
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